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Start-cup Academy Project platform is now available

Start-cup Academy Project platform is now available

The Start-cup Academy official website represents a repository of the project’s outputs, results, news and contacts, and will be the OER platform for target groups to access all the resources and training materials. Stаrt-Cup Аcаdemy аіms to promote stаrtup development by provіdіng trаіnіng аnd support to potentіаl stаrtup founders іn busіness model development аnd pаrtіcіpаtіon іn stаrtup competіtіons. Objectіves іnclude co-creаtіng а model wіth unіversіtіes, іncubаtors, аnd compаnіes; desіgnіng student-centered entrepreneurshіp currіculа; trаіnіng аcаdemіcs іn іnnovаtіve pedаgogіes; offerіng prаctіcаl trаіnіng for stаrtup competіtіons; аnd enhаncіng students' entrepreneurіаl spіrіt аt the unіversіty level. The project wіll anаlyze unіversіty support for stаrtups, іdentіfyіng gаps іn eаrly-stаge development. Develop а comprehensіve trаіnіng currіculum, tested аnd vаlіdаted by 180 tаrget groups. Creаte guіdelіnes for HE sector, іncubаtors, аnd specіаlіzed trаіnіng servіce provіders. Develop а polіcy pаper, "Stаrt Cup Аcаdemy Mаnіfesto," for polіcy recommendаtіons. Creаte а model for structured Stаrt Cup Аcаdemy Mobіlіty to ensure project sustаіnаbіlіty. The expected results іnclude: Stаrt Cup Model аnd Mechаnіsm Vаlіdаted Stаrt Cup Аcаdemy Currіculum, Trаіnіng Content, аnd Tools Operаtіonаl Guіdelіnes for Prаctіtіoners & Polіcy Mаkers The project officially kick-started with the first online transnational meeting held in Bruxelles, during which partners had a great opportunity to discuss the overall project implementation schedule, define timelines and respective duties in the following months. One of the very first activities was the development, testing and implementation of the Open Educational Resources (OER) Platform. Stаrt-Cup Аcаdemy Platform is the main showcase of project’s results and its largest and most tangible channel for international visibility, and is available in 7 languages (EN, ES, IT, LV, BG, HR, UA) with all of its content completely available for free, without requiring any kind of registration/identification by the user. Stаrt-Cup Аcаdemy website is now available at For the next two years, the Platform will host and integrate all the main achievements of the consortium; each section of the Stаrt-Cup Аcаdemy Platform is a stand-alone library of its corresponding output. For further information about Stаrt-Cup Аcаdemy project, explore the website:

JUST successfully completes test & validation sessions for the project’s training resources

JUST successfully completes test & validation sessions for the project’s training resources

The Erasmus+ co-funded JUST project celebrates the successful completion of test and validation (T&V) sessions conducted by project partners to evaluate the effectiveness of the newly JUST multilingual training programme. This milestone marks a significant step forward in equipping students and professionals with the essential skills tailored to meet the demands of the modern workforce. JUST, which stands for “Joint University and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME) Training,” has engaged in rigorous testing and validation sessions across the different countries represented in the consortium, Spain, Italy, Slovenia, Slovakia. Partners have collaborated closely with +300 participants to gather valuable feedback and assess the impact of the training modules. Positive Results and Impact The test and validation sessions have yielded positive results, demonstrating the effectiveness and relevance of the JUST training programme across diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. Participants have reported: Improved understanding of smart working Enhanced cybersecurity awareness Development of key soft skills Increased productivity and efficiency Strengthened business etiquette and organizational communication The T&V sessions were conducted in a supportive and engaging environment, fostering active participation and collaboration among participants. Partners noted the enthusiasm and dedication of attendees, who actively contributed to discussions and exercises. The positive reaction and feedback received from participants reaffirm the importance of this activity in validating the effectiveness of the JUST training programme. Their valuable insights and suggestions will inform further refinements to ensure the programme meets the evolving needs of learners and employers alike. Overall, the test and validation sessions have underscored the significant impact of the project resources in equipping learners with the skills and competencies needed to thrive in today's dynamic work environments. By addressing the objectives of each training module, the programme empowers participants to navigate the complexities of the modern workforce with confidence and proficiency. For more information, please visit or contact the project team at Stay updated with the latest developments by subscribing to our YouTube channel

JUST Project releases the Green Paper: a wealth of knowledge for strengthening collaboration between SMEs and HEIs

JUST Project releases the Green Paper: a wealth of knowledge for strengthening collaboration between SMEs and HEIs

The JUST project presents the release of its Green Paper, a comprehensive document that consolidates lessons learned and insights acquired during project implementation. The Green Paper serves as a repository of knowledge on collaborative dynamics between Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) and Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), aimed at enhancing students' employability and competitiveness in the labor market. As the culmination of the project's efforts, the Green Paper provides valuable inputs for evidence-based policy making in the fields of higher education, employability, social inclusion, and equal opportunities. By establishing clear operational and policy linkages between the project and the public policy level, the Green Paper contributes to shaping policies that foster collaboration between universities and businesses, driving socio-economic development and innovation. The Green Paper represents a significant milestone in promoting the JUST project to a higher level of implementation, transcending its impact solely from a learning perspective to influencing policy and practice. By collating the extensive experience and expertise gained through the project, the Green Paper offers insights into the concept of the entrepreneurial university, university-industry collaboration, and their role in fostering socio-economic development. Key features of the Green Paper Consolidates lessons learned by gathering insights and experiences acquired during the implementation of the JUST project, offering a comprehensive overview of successful collaborative practices. Informs evidence-based policy making by providing inputs for evidence-based policy making, and influencing public policies related to entrepreneurial universities, university-industry collaboration, and socio-economic development. Promotes higher-level implementation by elevating the impact of the JUST project by advocating for its integration into policy and practice, ensuring sustainability and scalability beyond the project's duration. The Green Paper will be available online at this link to provide stakeholders with access to a wealth of knowledge and insights to inform decision-making and drive innovation in the fields of higher education and business collaboration. For more information, please visit or contact the project team at

JUST project produced essential resources for university-SME collaboration

JUST project produced essential resources for university-SME collaboration

The Erasmus+ co-funded JUST project is excited to announce the release of the final deliverables of Project Result 2, offering a suite of practical resources designed to facilitate the creation and implementation of partnerships between Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs). These resources, which represent the JUST model for University-Business Cooperation (UBC), are now available for free on the project’s website at this link. JUST, an acronym for “Joint University and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME) Training,” tackles the critical need for enhanced collaboration between universities and the business sector, particularly SMEs. The project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, includes a diverse consortium of 9 partners from Belgium, Spain, Italy, Slovenia, and Slovakia, combining expertise from universities, businesses, business agencies, and the tertiary sector. Innovative tools to enhance collaboration The JUST project has developed six key resources to support and streamline UBC: Selection Criteria - Guidelines for HEIs to effectively select SMEs for collaboration, ensuring alignment of objectives and capabilities. Collaboration protocols - Step-by-step protocols outlining how HEIs and SMEs can establish and maintain productive partnerships. Cooperation Model - A comprehensive model depicting successful collaboration structures and strategies between universities and businesses. Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) - A customizable template for formalizing agreements between HEIs and SMEs, tailored to meet specific partnership needs. Code of Conduct – Ethical guidelines and best practices to ensure professional and respectful collaboration throughout the partnership. Cooperation Model and Working Methods - Detailed working methods and operational practices based on successful case studies and lessons learned from across Europe. These resources provide a robust framework for building and maintaining effective HEI-SME collaborations, addressing common challenges and leveraging best practices to enhance student employability and drive innovation within SMEs. By offering these tools, the JUST project aims to bridge the gap between academia and industry, fostering a more integrated and dynamic educational and business environment. For more information, please visit or contact the project team at Stay updated with the latest developments by subscribing to our YouTube channel at

JUST Partnership launches implementation suite to ease exploitation and sustainability of projects’ results

JUST Partnership launches implementation suite to ease exploitation and sustainability of projects’ results

The partners of the JUST project proudly announce the release of its Implementation Suite, operational guideline designed to promote the uptake of project results and deliverables beyond the project's scope and duration. The Implementation Suite represents a significant milestone in fostering collaboration between universities and businesses, offering tools and guidelines for enhancing cooperation, developing curricula, and implementing joint teaching initiatives leveraging on the partners’ experience and the JUST project’s methodology. As part of Project Result 4, the Implementation Suite serves as a comprehensive set of guidelines to mainstream and facilitate the replicability of the JUST project's outcomes. This resource equips operators within the education and training ecosystem, including universities, SMEs, and HR professionals, with the tools and guidance necessary to adapt and adopt JUST tools for enhancing collaboration and employability. The Implementation Suite includes practical tools for delivering training and represents a set of guidelines for universities and SMEs to enhance collaboration in various aspects, including curriculum development and joint teaching. By providing a framework for implementing JUST project results, the Implementation Suite empowers stakeholders to leverage the project's findings to benefit their respective institutions and industries. Importance for future exploitability and sustainability The Implementation Suite plays a crucial role in ensuring the future exploitability and sustainability of the JUST project results and partners' efforts. By offering a structured approach to implementing project outcomes, the Implementation Suite enables stakeholders to integrate JUST tools and methodologies into their ongoing practices, ensuring the continued relevance and impact of the project beyond its formal conclusion. Furthermore, the availability of the Implementation Suite online ensures accessibility to a wider audience, extending the reach of the JUST project's outcomes beyond the formal timeline of the project and partnership itself. This democratization of knowledge enables universities, SMEs, and other stakeholders to benefit from the project's findings and contribute to the advancement of collaboration in the education and business sectors. The Implementation Suite will be available online at JUST Implementation Suite. Stakeholders are encouraged to explore this invaluable resource and harness its potential to drive meaningful collaboration and innovation in the university and business ecosystems. For more information, please visit or contact the project team at Stay updated with the latest developments by subscribing to our YouTube channel

Developing an innovative model for University-SME Cooperation: the JUST Pan-European report

Developing an innovative model for University-SME Cooperation: the JUST Pan-European report

The Partnership of the Erasmus+ JUST project is proud to announce the release of a significant deliverable within Project Result 2: the Pan-European Report, a comprehensive stocktaking of current models of Higher Education Institution (HEI) and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SMEs) collaboration. This report provides an in-depth analysis of the existing frameworks and practices at both EU and international levels, encompassing perspectives from universities, businesses, and students. JUST, which stands for “Joint University and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME) Training,” addresses the pressing need for stronger collaboration between academia and the business sector, particularly SMEs. The project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, includes a consortium of 9 partners from Belgium, Spain, Italy, Slovenia, and Slovakia, representing both the university and business sectors, as well as business agencies and an organization from the tertiary sector. Key Findings of the Pan-European Report The Pan-European Report reveals that while the majority of HEIs engage in some form of university-business cooperation (UBC), there remains a significant gap in active collaboration between academics and businesses. This limited engagement has been identified as a critical factor reducing the labour market relevance of study programmes, the employability of graduates, and the overall impact of research. Despite efforts by European governments and the EU Commission to promote UBC, a widespread lack of awareness persists about how HEIs and businesses can effectively cooperate and the benefits of such collaboration. The report highlights that cooperation is most developed in research and development, followed by education, yet the overall level of cooperation remains low. It identifies eight types of collaboration and underscores the need to understand practical collaboration models and synergies between HEIs and SMEs. Identifying and addressing the main barriers and drivers for cooperation is crucial for unlocking the full potential of these partnerships, especially during this phase of transition and recovery. This comprehensive report is a preparatory step for developing the JUST project’s University-SME collaboration model, offering practical insights and frameworks to guide future partnerships. By enhancing these collaborations, the JUST project aims to align educational programmes with labour market needs, boost student employability, and drive innovation within SMEs. For more information, please visit or contact the project team at

The BOOMER consortium held its third face-to-face meeting in Malaga

The BOOMER consortium held its third face-to-face meeting in Malaga

On 31 May 2024, the consortium in charge of implementing the project BOOMER - Booming digital literacy skills among elderly population, held its third transnational meeting in Malaga, Spain. Hosted by the Spanish partner, Internet Web Solutions, the meeting took place as scheduled, and served to discuss the most relevant issues for the current state of development of the project. To open the meeting, the project platform, which already has more than 40,000 aggregated visits and is available at, was presented by Internet Web Solutions, updating all the progress and achievements since the last transnational meeting. In this way, the partners were able to learn more about all the new functionalities of the platform, especially with regard to the collection of anonymous statistics that allow them to know first-hand the effectiveness of the published results. For their part, representatives from the University of Dubrovnik and the University of Zagreb reviewed the work packages already completed, those related to Training and Skills Audit respectively. The quality and usability of the results, which have already been tested by numerous representatives of the target groups, both belonging and related to the adult education system, as well as the elderly demographic segment, was highlighted. The core of the agenda, related to the validation of the content produced, and the creation of the ‘Adoption suite’, was presented by the Italian partner IDP, who outlined the next steps and presented a work plan for the last activities of the project, which will culminate in a set of guidelines for supply side users in the adult education system who wish to uptake, adapt and adopt the BOOMER outputs. Finally, after a review of the administrative aspects of the project, dissemination and quality management, the meeting ended successfully, marking a decisive step in the development of the project, which will conclude next August with a meeting hosted by the project coordinator. BOOMER is a project co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Program of the European Commission, which brings together 8 partners from 5 countries (Croatia, Belgium, Germany, Italy and Spain) and addresses the evident and urgent pan-European need for rapid and concrete upskilling of seniors in digital competencies. More information on BOOMER Virtual Corner:

European Project “OPSIZO”: OPSIZO Diversity & Inclusion in Microenterprise Development of Resources

European Project “OPSIZO”: OPSIZO Diversity & Inclusion in Microenterprise Development of Resources

OPSIZO Project have developed a suite of resources as part of this innovative project exploring Diversity and Inclusion in Microenterprise. OPSIZO focuses on promoting social inclusion and involving people with fewer opportunities, to reduce/eliminate access barriers and helps to create inclusive environments that improve “creating inclusive environments that foster equity and equality”.  The overall objectives of OPSIZO include: - Improve the competitiveness and efficiency of microenterprises, through innovative training and operational tools - Promote a culture of diversity and inclusion as corporate welfare tool in microenterprises - Contribute through innovative training courses to equality in the world of work - Enhance individual and organizational resources, supporting personal and professional growth processes  As part of this, the suite of resources developed include a number of training and operational tools which can be found on the project website The development of these resources has been carried out as part of Work Package 3, involving all partners. Following a successful launch in November 2022, OPSIZO has developed a high quality Open Educational Resources Platform (OER) which will showcase all of the project results, including the suite of resources. The platform and resources will be available in five languages (EN, ES, IT, PT, DE) with all content available free of charge, without requiring any kind of registration/identification by the user.  For further information about OPSIZO Project please visit

Development of OPSIZO Toolkit in 5 languages

Development of OPSIZO Toolkit in 5 languages

Through the Erasmus+ OPSIZO project, partners developed a Toolkit aimed at assessing the current situation in terms of Diversity and Inclusion within micro-enterprises. The Toolkit aims to provide tools that support these types of economic-productive environments in becoming more aware with respect to issues of inclusion of people who experience exclusion and episodes of micro-aggression on the basis of gender and sexual orientation. The joint effort of all project partners from 5 different countries (Italy, Spain, Ireland, Portugal, Germany) led to the provision of innovative operational and self-assessment tools on the dedicated OER platform ( The various tools include: 7 training paths 7 operational tools 1 common taxonomy to describe sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, and sexual characteristics 1 collection of situations related to various contexts: micro-aggressions, inclusion, gender stereotyping, etc. 1 self-assessment tool for micro-enterprises 1 checklist on Diversity and Inclusion in micro-enterprises. All tools are freely accessible and available in English and partnership languages. For more information about the OPSIZO project, visit

Erasmus+ SELF Project: Pan-European Assessment reveals key insights on solo-entrepreneurship trends

Erasmus+ SELF Project: Pan-European Assessment reveals key insights on solo-entrepreneurship trends

The "SELF - Solo Entrepreneurs Learning Framework," co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, has unveiled the results of its comprehensive Pan-European assessment carried out as part of Work Package 2 (WP2). This assessment provides an in-depth look at the current landscape of self-employment and self-entrepreneurship, focusing on the dynamics of education and training opportunities across Europe. The SELF project aims to enhance the entrepreneurial skills of higher education (HE) students by promoting solo-entrepreneurship and creating a unified digital market for solo-entrepreneurs. Coordinated by the University of Malaga, the project includes partners such as the University of Aveiro, EDUCATT, IHF asbl, IDP, IWS, and UNIBA. The assessment highlights several crucial findings: Limited institutionalized education for self-entrepreneurs Despite a growing interest in freelancing and solo entrepreneurship, institutionalized education and training options remain scarce. Most available resources are paid online courses, which often lack the necessary support mechanisms to help young aspiring self-entrepreneurs transition into early-incubation stages. EU's role in democratizing access to entrepreneurship education Amidst these challenges, the European Union is making significant strides in democratising access to entrepreneurship education. Various accessible resources are being developed to empower aspiring self-entrepreneurs with essential knowledge and skills, providing the support needed to transform their ideas into action. Decline in self-employment due to technological and pandemic-related disruptions The assessment reveals a notable downturn in the trajectory of self-employment in Europe. This decline is attributed to the rapid evolution of technology and the disruptive effects of the COVID-19 pandemic, which have posed significant challenges for self-entrepreneurs across various sectors. Gender disparity in self-entrepreneurship A persistent gender disparity in self-entrepreneurship is evident, with a concerning prevalence of “missing” women self-entrepreneurs. The report underscores the need for targeted policies to foster inclusion and equal opportunities, aiming to narrow the gender gap and unlock the full potential of aspiring female entrepreneurs. EU's multifaceted approach to supporting self-entrepreneurs The EU is actively championing initiatives to support the self-employed and self-entrepreneurs holistically, particularly focusing on young people, HE students, and fresh graduates. These initiatives range from providing vital financial assistance to implementing measures that address socioeconomic disparities and enhance essential skills and competencies. There is a collective expectation for EU institutions to advocate for integrating courses tailored to the needs of young aspiring self-entrepreneurs within the academic curricula of European universities. The SELF project is indeed expected to lay the groundwork for a more inclusive and dynamic entrepreneurial ecosystem. Stay tuned for future results and more information on the project’s website

The next step in the development of the DIGCOMP4VET project has begun. The consortium starts the Test and Validation process

The next step in the development of the DIGCOMP4VET project has begun. The consortium starts the Test and Validation process

The DIGCOMP4VET project is moving forward with the next step in its development, which is the Test and Validation process. The T&V process started in December 2023 with the elaboration of the T&V Plan by IWS and comprises the delivery of the developed training to 120 target groups from March to July 2024. Subsequently, between September and October, any adjustments derived from the piloting experience that may be necessary to reach the final version of the training content will be carried out. The Test and Validation Plan is a critical part of the Project's quality assurance process. It acts as a roadmap to ensure that the developed training materials not only meet but exceed their defined objectives. The plan is designed to systematically assess the integrity, functionality, and performance of the work done by the DigComp4VET Consortium. Its overarching goal is to deliver a solution that aligns with the highest standards and fulfills the expectations of our stakeholders and end-users. This Test and Validation Plan serves as a guiding framework for the validation activities, detailing the methods, criteria, and schedule for the validation process.  The Test and Validation Process has the following primary objectives: - Verify that the training materials adhere to the stated requirements and specifications. - Evaluate the usability, functionality, and overall user experience of both the training and the OER platform developed. - Identify and address any issues, deficiencies, or areas for improvement. - Ensure compliance with relevant European regulations and standards. - Gather feedback and insights from stakeholders and end-users to drive continual improvement and implement fine-tuning actions if necessary. - Verify that the functionality and performance of the training materials meet the intended goals and objectives. - Assess the user-friendliness, accessibility, and overall user experience to guarantee that the project OER and the trainings meet the needs and expectations of its intended audience. - Ensure the overall quality and reliability of the training through rigorous testing and validation procedures. - Foster a culture of continuous improvement, where findings from the validation process are used to enhance the final project results to be released after the project ends. All partners will deliver the training in their respective environments and contexts to test and validate the content, structure, delivery methods, and assessment procedures, and to confirm the relevance, quality, quantity, and format of WP3 in operational settings. After each session, partners will collect feedback from learners to assess their impressions, comments, and suggestions, if any, on how to improve the training. They will then provide all comments and feedback to IWS, which will help to finalize the content and develop the T&V report to fine-tune the training. This process will assess how easy it is for users to navigate and use the DigComp4VET training curricula and OER Platform. It will cover aspects such as user interfaces, accessibility, and overall user satisfaction. The validation process will ensure that both the training curricula and OER Platform are accessible to individuals with disabilities and comply with recognized accessibility standards.

The Eramus+ CARE project has completed its development with an excellent scope

The Eramus+ CARE project has completed its development with an excellent scope

Once the implementation of the Erasmus+ CARE project (Consumer Awareness for Responsibility towards the Environment), has been completed, the dissemination data of this initiative during its implementation period, during which it has reached an audience of close to five million people, has been known. CARE is a project created in the frame of the Key Actions program of the European Union, coordinated by the University of Malaga. It aims to promote responsible consumption among citizens and has developed various products in the four languages of the project: Spanish, English, Portuguese and Italian. The most relevant results are CARE Knowledge, a virtual community of knowledge on responsible consumption that has produced the synthesis document Green Paper on Responsible Consumption in Europe. The Green Paper summarises all the research, analysis and information gathering work on this phenomenon carried out by the project consortium and produced conclusions to promote a more sustainable consumption model. Likewise, another of the main results of CARE is the Edu-CARE training package for education in responsible consumption, made up of 40 microtraining courses that deal with the conceptual, economic, social and environmental aspects of consumption in the areas of food, mobility, clothing and use of resources, offering both training and advice to develop a more conscious and attentive consumption, that cares for the future of our planet. In online communication, through national and international media, press, radio and TV, social networks, etc., a reach of 4,730,610 people has been achieved, while with other types of face-to-face or conventional actions, such as meetings, dissemination events, workshops and courses, the project has been made known to 116,528 people. The main dissemination tool of the project has been the open educational resources platform REA-CARE, through which the results of the project are offered and interaction has been carried out with citizens, who have collaborated by offering business ideas, experiences, examples of good practices and responding to the project's quality surveys and questionnaires. The most important interaction is the one that has taken place in the Edu-CARE training courses, which have been carried out by more than 3300 people and will continue to be open for 4 more years for the benefit of citizens. The project's social networks, such as Facebook (, LinkedIn (, and YouTube, which hosts the results in video format, have also been very important, as they have reached more than 53,000 users with its publications. In addition, and this is very relevant, 25 entities from various countries have associated as collaborators to CARE, also contributing to amplify the dissemination of the project. The partners that have developed CARE, led by the University of Malaga, are Internet Web Solutions (Spain), University of Aveiro (Portugal), IHF (Belgium), IDP (Italy), RSC Talent (Spain) and CPIA Lecce (Italy), and have committed to keep the project active for four more years, until February 2028, so that all people interested in learning more about the subject and improving their consumption habits can access this free and open platform in a timely manner, at any time and through any device. For more information about Project CARE:

MICRO 2 Digital Project Follows Up on Testing and Validating Training with Practical Guidelines for Wider Adoption

MICRO 2 Digital Project Follows Up on Testing and Validating Training with Practical Guidelines for Wider Adoption

The MICRO 2 Digital project proudly announces the successful implementation of its Test and Validation phase (WP4), focused on testing and promoting training materials designed to enhance digital competences and entrepreneurship for microenterprises in rural areas. Co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU Commission, the project aims to advance digital skills among microenterprises in rural areas to drive growth, employment, and social empowerment. The partnership comprises four organizations from Ireland, Belgium, Italy, and Spain. Through comprehensive testing and validation sessions, the project has confirmed the suitability of its training material across three languages and four countries, demonstrating its effectiveness for training. Training sessions, conducted both face-to-face and online, utilised official presentations and various online materials to illustrate concepts, showcasing the material’s adaptability for diverse learning environments. Despite varying testing contexts, all partners successfully participated, indicating strong community demand for this type of learning. Positive feedback highlighted the relevance, applicability, and completeness of the material and resources. Based on pilot sessions and project experience, practical guidelines have been developed to facilitate further adoption and replication of the initiative. These multilingual guidelines - English, Italian, Spanish - offer insights for trainers and training organisations to tailor the material to local contexts, ensuring an engaging and meaningful learning experience. For comprehensive access to the official guidelines document in English, visit:   For more information on the MICRO 2 Digital project, visit:

IMPACT ACADEMY Project. Launch of Open Education Resource Platform

IMPACT ACADEMY Project. Launch of Open Education Resource Platform

The IMPACT ACADEMY Erasmus + Cooperation Partnership Project launch the online Open Education Resource Platform. IMPACT ACADEMY Platform is the main showcase of project’s results and its largest and most tangible channel for international visibility, and is available in 6 languages (EN, ES, IT, FR, MK, TR) with all of its content completely available for free, without requiring any kind of registration/identification by the user. Project website is now online at The current economic system is largely geared towards increasing economic growth at the expense of increasing social inequality and environmental degradation. Yet companies can have a positive impact on sustainable development goals. The role of Education is to facilitate these paradigm shifts, e.g. to support young people and students to acquire new skills, in our case Skills about the Impact economy. Indeed, the impact economy model is well-positioned to find an appropriate balance across all three pillars: economic, social and environmental.   The two main General objectives of Impact Academy project are: • Building a Culture of Social Impact and Sustainability in Entrepreneurship education integrating research, experimentation, scientific knowledge into a unique and distinctive offer • Promoting the creation of a new generation of agents who are builders of a new, sustainable, fair and open world.   The project officially kick-started on December 14th, 2023, with the first online transnational meeting during which partners had a great opportunity to discuss the overall project implementation schedule, define timelines and respective duties in the following months. One of the very first activities was the development, testing and implementation of the Open Educational Resources (OER) Platform. For the next two years, the Platform will host and integrate all the main achievements of the consortium; each section of the IMPACT ACADEMY Platform is a stand-alone library of its corresponding output. For further information about IMPACT ACADEMY project:  

MICRO 2 Digital Approaches Conclusion: Partners gather for Online Closing Meeting

MICRO 2 Digital Approaches Conclusion: Partners gather for Online Closing Meeting

As the MICRO 2 Digital project draws to a close, partners met for a pivotal Closing Meeting to reflect on the journey, reviewing project’s achievements and discussing the final steps. This gathering marked a significant milestone in the project’s timeline, offering an opportunity to assess progress, share insights and lay the groundwork for latest tasks. Since its inception, the MICRO 2 project has been dedicated to enhancing digital skills among microenterprises in rural areas, with the aim of fostering growth, employment and social empowerment. With co-funding from the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU Commission, the project has brought together partners from across Ireland, Belgium, Italy, and Spain, uniting diverse expertise and perspectives to address common challenges. At the Closing Meeting, participants had the chance to review the project’s impact and discuss key achievements. From the development of innovative toolkits to the implementation of targeted training initiatives, MICRO 2 has made significant strides in advancing digital literacy and driving innovation within microenterprises.   As the project enters its final stages, the spirit of collaboration and innovation that has defined MICRO 2 will continue to inspire partners and stakeholders. Looking ahead, the lessons learned and partnerships forged during this journey will serve as a solid foundation for future initiatives aimed at empowering microenterprises in the digital age. For more information on the MICRO 2 Digital project, visit:

Erasmus+ Project SELF: launch of Work Package 2

Erasmus+ Project SELF: launch of Work Package 2

Partners of the Erasmus+ project "SELF - Solo Entrepreneurs Learning Framework" is pleased to announce the launch of Work Package 2 (WP2), titled "Mapping and Extrapolating Solo-Entrepreneurship Trends & Features." With the launch of WP2, the SELF project, co-funded by the European Commission, takes a significant step towards creating a comprehensive learning framework that fosters HE students' entrepreneurial skills and promotes solo-entrepreneurship. WP2 focuses on assessing and evaluating consolidated good practices and case studies at both country and transnational levels. These evaluations will guide the promotion of innovative and impactful solo-entrepreneurship training programmes within HE institutions and among HE students. The insights gained will enable project partners to strategize effectively, shaping the learning outcomes framework and informing the development of the project's training curriculum. The methodology for WP2 has been meticulously prepared and consolidated, ensuring efficiency and effectiveness in the execution of the analysis. This operative document, which remains internal and in English only, serves as a formal deliverable of WP2. It provides a harmonized understanding of the assessment's ultimate objectives, ensuring the relevance of results, data, and insights provided by partners. By adopting a common methodology, the SELF project guarantees a coordinated approach among partners. This methodology facilitates a shared understanding of the analysis's scope, ensures the comparability of findings, and highlights key expected results. It also valorises common trends and features of interest, which are crucial for the summative assessment of evidence. The findings from WP2 will be instrumental in setting and building the pedagogical base of reference for the project. This will enable the structuring of the education and training offerings accordingly. Evidence gathered and collected by partners will shape the content and structure of the curriculum, identifying specific training areas and competences that should be addressed and enhanced through the project's educational offerings. The partnership looks forward to the valuable insights that will emerge from this phase and to the continued progress of the project. For more information about the SELF project, please visit

Official launch and first steps of the Eureca project

Official launch and first steps of the Eureca project

A partner group from Poland, the Czech Republic, Spain, Portugal and Italy started the project 'EURECA - European URban ECology Academy' in the framework of the Erasmus+ adult education programme at the beginning of September 2023.  The project intends to target people who are not professionally involved in ecology, and the goal is to transfer knowledge about practical solutions that the 'common man' can adopt without any specialized ecological or technical knowledge. The program will be designed to provide participants with practical and actionable solutions that can be applied at the individual, household, and organizational levels. The primary outcome of the project will be an online training program, which will be accessible to everyone. The consortium will create an e-learning platform that will host the online training program. The platform will enable remote training, and partners will complete a full training cycle in Poland, the Czech Republic, Spain, Portugal, and Italy. Overall, the "EURECA - European URban ECology Academy" project will be crucial in promoting environmental protection and pro-environmental behaviour across Europe. Through the consortium's efforts, individuals, households, and organizations will be equipped with practical knowledge that they can use to make a positive impact on the environment. Implementers/partners:  SocLab Foundation - Poland (project leader)  Gramigna OdV - Italy  EDU.IN Associação para a Educação Integral - Portugal  Spolek absolventů a přátel zemědělské školy v Chrudimi z.s. - Czech Republic Internet Web Solutions SL – Spain The kick-off meeting for the EURECA project was held in Lisbon from November 6th to November 10th, 2023. The meeting was organized by EDU.IN, and representatives from all five partner organizations attended. During the meeting, the partners discussed and planned the tasks for the various project phases, which will continue until December 2025.  While in Lisbon, the Edu. in partners organized guided tours of locations and equipment that showcase good ecological practices. The tours highlighted Lisbon's status as the European Green Capital for 2020. In addition to the tours, a colloquium was held, during which Portuguese stakeholders and experts discussed a range of urban ecology topics. These included the circular economy in cities, its relationship with organization and territory planning, integrated models of sustainable innovation that apply measures of climate mitigation and adaptation, local development, and social equity.

Launch of the SELF OER Platform!

Launch of the SELF OER Platform!

The Self OER platform, created by Internet Web Solutions, the project's technology partner, is now open and available in all languages and it will host the main results of the project. It will be available for the duration of the project and even 3 years after its completion. The platform encompasses all the information about the project, the consortium partners, the associated partners who support us, and the main results to be created during the development of Self, such as mapping and training. The OER platform has several advantages: it is free and open, allowing users to access it without the need to register; it is user-friendly, available 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, in the five consortium languages (English, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, and Slovak); and it is professional, as the content is created by experts. Self is a European project co-funded by the Erasmus Plus program, involving seven institutions from five countries, each with a different language. The consortium includes the University of Málaga (ES), IDP European Consultants (IT), IHF Europe (BE), Internet Web Solutions (ES), Comenius University Bratislava (SK), University of Aveiro (PT), and EDUCatt (IT). The SELF project – Solo Entrepreneur Learning Framework – emphasizes the importance of supporting the entrepreneurial skills of university students through the innovative concept of "solopreneurship." To achieve this goal, the consortium will develop specific outcomes, including the creation of the project's OER platform, which is already available in the consortium's languages. Stay informed about Self and the project's developments visiting  

OFF LINE How to quit with Social Media

OFF LINE How to quit with Social Media

After two years of implementation, the OFFLINE How to quit with Social Media Erasmus+ project came to an official conclusion. Partners gathered together on 19 January, 2024 in Lecce (IT) to celebrate the successful completion of the project and discuss together the impact and results achieved throughout these 24 months of work. The meeting was hosted by CPIA Lecce and saw the participation of seven other project partners from five different EU countries (Belgium, Finland, Italy, Romania and Spain). After a brief welcome and introduction by the staff of CPIA, partners focused on the content of the agenda, including: Summary and recap of lessons learnt, consolidated good practices and takeaways for further exploitation of results Content of the OFFLINE Vademecum, last formal project result finalised by partners before the official ending of the project The Vademecum for Slow Navigation provides for an in-depth guide into mindful digital practices and offers a roadmap for recalibrating individuals’ interactions within the digital sphere. This comprehensive guide is divided into different sections, each addressing different aspects of mindful online engagement, with the aim of mitigating the negative effects of excessive screen time and promoting a more balanced and mindful digital lifestyle. The Vademecum is available in online, multilanguage and open access format and users can access and download the content for free on the project website. The sections of the Vademecum are: Understanding slow navigation: slow navigation is a digital and social media approach that helps individuals to discover how to consume and engage social and digital media in a way that it feels more authentic. It allows people to reconnect with what matters and who matters. Mindful social media usage: it is no secret that social media has drastically changed our societies. From the way businesses are conducted, to how we interact and socialise, social media defined a new paradigm of “para-relations” that blurred the margins of reality as we know it. Practicing digital detox: digital detoxification involves eliminating excess exposure to digital media as a means of information and, more importantly, leisure. In other words, it is about taking a break from the digital overload we face every day, allowing more time for ourselves, away from screens. The dangers of social media addiction: today people post pictures, messages, comments, tweets and retweets and spend hours interacting in social media rather than in person. With the widespread use of social networking sites, social media addiction has become a more prominent problem especially among young people, but also in different age groups. Setting intentions for social media usages: social media is designed to grab your attention and keep you in the application for as long as possible. To do this, they exploit the lack of specific intentionality in our use of social media: in fact, we often just want to fill some time between one thing and another. But the lack of intentionality in our use of social media makes us easy prey to useless, if not harmful, content for our balance and mood. Balancing Offline and Online life: today's world requires the use of many digital devices, and the online environment is often necessary in people's lives. We need to know how to use technology to improve our communities and lives (both physical/offline and digital/online). Just as a balanced diet contributes to a state of physical health, so too a balance needs to be created between the physical and digital worlds, between physical/offline and digital/online activities, as moderation and balance ensure productivity and health. Time Management techniques for online activities: although it is most certainly true that the internet changed for the better the way and ease in which people can work, process information and acquire new knowledge, high exposure to screen time comes with several downside and negative effects on individuals. The most effective countermeasure that we have against the negative effects of extended screen time is proper and sound consideration of the quantity and quality of time that we decide to spend in front of digital devices. Navigating information overload: the advent of the World Wide Web eased exponentially the way in which we gather, collect and process information. Knowledge has never been more accessible then now, and with all the opportunities and resources available, whatever will ever be needed is just a few clicks away. However, this abundance of information generates the challenge of dealing with “too much information”: an overloading of resources and data that makes particularly difficult the process of selecting and consuming the exact information that we need. Embracing offline activities: embracing offline activities is crucial for our mental, emotional, and physical well- being. In this section, we will highlight the importance of cultivating offline hobbies, engaging in face-to-face social interactions, and prioritising self-care. We will also provide a list of suggested offline activities to help you lead a more balanced and fulfilling life. Assessing your current habits: Self-assessing your responsible use of social media and the internet is an important step in maintaining a healthy digital presence. In this section, we discuss the steps for evaluating your own online behaviour and how to set clear goals for online usage. We also provide a questionnaire for evaluating your online habits. The Vademecum for Slow Navigation follow a long series of results that partners developed during implementation. Results of OFFLINE are designed and tailored to support and “teach” people on how to: reduce the time spent on social media by promoting a more fruitful use of media; develop among adults an aptitude and a culture of correct information through for example digital newspapers or magazines or other accredited sources. The Vademecum and all other project results are available from the official eLearning platform of the project:

CARE: The consortium joined the Closing Meeting of the CARE project

CARE: The consortium joined the Closing Meeting of the CARE project

On February 2nd, 2024, the consortium joined the Closing Meeting of CARE, a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, which brings together seven partners from four countries (Spain, Italy, Portugal, Belgium). The Closing Meeting was held in Portugal and hosted by the University of Aveiro. CARE is an international project co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme, which aims to contribute to behavioural changes in people's preferences, consumption habits and lifestyles, in line with the environmental policies adopted by the EuropeanCommission: the circular economy action plan, waste management policies and the present challenge of “making European recovery a Green Deal”. As the CARE project approaches its culmination, partners met to reflect on the achievements and collaborative efforts that have characterized the CARE project's journey and set the final steps. The Consortium is currently working on the collection and assessment of sustainable business ideas through PROMOBIZ a unique and cutting-edge technique for the filtering of business ideas that combines economic feasibility with social and environmental viability. Moreover, partners set a work plan for the finalisation and promotion on a wide scale of the CARE Green Book collecting key findings of the project activities and offering a valuable collection of data, evidences and initiatives to inform new policies and further research. The CARE project has been instrumental in bringing together diverse perspectives to tackle pressing issues related to responsible consumption. The Closing Meeting provided a forum to reflect on the achievements and discuss strategies for continued impact. As the project concludes, the CARE Consortium remains committed to championing sustainable practices and responsible consumption in the local communities. For more information about the CARE project: Project website Facebook page

Collection of 30 good ecological practices

Collection of 30 good ecological practices

The last 2 months have been a period when all EURECA Project partners have been preparing descriptions of good practices of environmental activities in the Czech Republic, Italy, Poland, Portugal and Spain. Examples were found of the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals set within the Agenda 2030. The SocLab Foundation described the developing energy cooperatives in Poland, which supply local communities with electricity from photovoltaics. Another interesting solution from Poland is flower meadows in cities instead of traditional lawns. Flowers in the city not only look beautiful, also give shelter and food to many useful insects and birds. In turn, the protection of birds from collisions with transparent glass is served by modern protective films at the University of Bialystok. Birds and small mammals have found good habitat on a renaturalized stretch of river in the center of the city of Bialystok. Raising curiosity, but also controversy, the Polish partner describes a solution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation. With the same objective, explains a feeding model in a school canteen where meat is served only 2 days a week. Portugal's EDU.IN association focused on technological solutions, describing methods for producing energy from waste and solar, recycle water for reuse, sustainable construction, and did not shy away from topics related to urban biodiversity, using Lisbon and its horticultural parks and green corridors as examples. Gramigna Associazione described a store operating on the principle of a cooperative of local suppliers farmers, a commerce that supports the local community and environmentally friendly crops. Partner IWS from Spain described innovative seawater desalination plant, an innovative urban garden next to a large shopping center, and a climate adaptation plan for the Zaragoza city. An association of agricultural school graduates from the Czech Republic showed methods for restoring degraded areas, methods for preserving tree alleys, a biogas plant and a store with recycled items.   These are just some of the eco-friendly good practices described. All of them, with broader descriptions, will soon be available to read on the EURECA Academy website.

OPSIZO Diversity & Inclusion in Microenterprise Launch of the Open Education Resource Platform

OPSIZO Diversity & Inclusion in Microenterprise Launch of the Open Education Resource Platform

OPSIZO Project launched the online Open Education Resource Platform, that represents a repository of the project’s outputs, results, news and contacts, and will be the OER platform for target groups to access OPSIZO resources and training materials. The project focuses on promoting social inclusion and involving people with fewer opportunities, to reduce/eliminate access barriers and helps to create inclusive environments that improve “creating inclusive environments that foster equity and equality”. Objectives of OPSIZO are: - Improve the competitiveness and efficiency of microenterprises, through innovative training and operational tools - Promote a culture of diversity and inclusion as corporate welfare tool in microenterprises - Contribute through innovative training courses to equality in the world of work - Enhance individual and organizational resources, supporting personal and professional growth processes Partners will carry out a series of well-articulated, timed and sequenced activities grouped in 5 WPs: WP 1 Project Management WP 2 Innovative corporate welfare model D&I in microenterprises WP 3 Developing the OPSIZO Tool-Kit: training & Operational Tools WP 4 Provide training and tools OPSIZO & build the Digital Warehouse WP 5 Guidelines and Manifesto for D&I in Microenterprises The project officially kick-started on 9th November 2022, with the first online transnational meeting during which partners had a great opportunity to discuss the overall project implementation schedule, define timelines and respective duties in the following months. One of the very first activities was the development, testing and implementation of the Open Educational Resources (OER) Platform. OPSIZO Platform is the main showcase of project’s results and its largest and most tangible channel for international visibility, and is available in 5 languages (EN, ES, IT, PT, DE) with all of its content completely available for free, without requiring any kind of registration/identification by the user. OPSIZO website is now online at For further information about OPSIZO Project please visit

Free Matrix to Assess Digital Readiness at European VETs

Free Matrix to Assess Digital Readiness at European VETs

A new Multidimensional and Multifunctional Matrix is now made available for free, aimed at both the educational and organizational level at Vocational Educational Training institutions in the EU. The matrix will measure the digital readiness on an organizational level as well as on an educational level. The versatile matrix is provided by the Erasmus+ project, RESET. The conceptual design and algorithms of the Matrix were done by Danish partner, NLP Aalborg/ Center for Unges Livsmestring with Spanish partner Internet Web Solutions (IWS) delivering the digital software development. Improve Digitally within Minutes The Matrix will serve the operators of the VET ecosystem to take a snapshot of their capacity to delivery distance learning activities, anticipate digital needs, identify areas of intervention, develop strategies and initiate/ pursue a process of digital transformation of the organisation. The Matrix is also aimed at educational staff at the VETs. The matrix gives them a fast method to get an overview of the digital readiness that needs to be considered to further develop and use the digital opportunities in an educational perspective with different target groups of students. “When conceptualizing the Multidimensional and Multifunctional Matrix, it’s been vital that it had a plug ‘n’ play approach with easy access for both educators and organisations in general. With no further ado you can click and select your way through the matrix and the matrix will provide you with a final assessment of where you stand digitally as organization or educator – within minutes,” says project manager, Mogens Rude, NLP Aalborg/ Center for Unges Livsmestring. Matrix Automatically Suggests New Content The Matrix will automatically come up with a final assessment based on the user-input, and the matrix will suggest different content to help the user accelerate and better the digital setup and/ or digital, educational skills and competencies; all based on the analysis, training and tools developed by the partners in the RESET Erasmus+ project.   The Matrix also integrates the European Commission’s Digital Compentence Framework for Educators (DigCompEdu). The RESET results are fed into the matrix, cross-referencing them with the variables that condition the training interventions delivered in online mode by the DigCompEdu.   Check out the Multidimensional and Multifunctional Matrix for free at:

SELF Project: launch of a new Erasmus+ project in Brussels

SELF Project: launch of a new Erasmus+ project in Brussels

Partners of the Erasmus+ project "SELF - Solo Entrepreneurs Learning Framework" held the Kick-Off Meeting at the premises of the Belgian partner, IHF asbl, in Brussels on January 26, 2024. The SELF project, co-funded by the European Commission, aims to provide a robust learning framework to enhance HE students' sense of initiative and solo-entrepreneurship skills. By using transdisciplinary approaches and innovative pedagogies, the project seeks to foster a new generation of self-employed professionals ready to thrive in a digitally unified European labor market. During the meeting, the partnership—led by the University of Malaga and including the University of Aveiro, EDUCATT, IHF asbl, IDP, IWS, and UNIBA—engaged in comprehensive discussions on project objectives and strategic implementation. The diverse expertise and perspectives of these partners strengthen the project’s capacity to achieve its goals. This gathering marked a significant milestone as partners from across Europe convened to discuss the project’s work breakdown structure, plan upcoming activities, and set deadlines. The meeting also underscored the project's potential positive impact on entrepreneurship among higher education (HE) students throughout the European Union. Implementation strategies include identifying relevant competences for aspiring solo-entrepreneurs, developing specialized curricula, tools, training, and resources for self-employment. A pivotal component is the "SELF Digital Warehouse," an e-learning platform housing all project results. The project also involves testing and validating these resources with 200 participants, producing guidelines for practitioners, and providing recommendations for policymakers to ensure project scale-up and sustainability. The Brussels meeting highlighted the SELF project's potential to significantly impact HE students by equipping them with entrepreneurial skills and fostering a supportive digital environment. The consortium remains optimistic about the progress made and is committed to ongoing collaboration and successful project implementation. For more information about the SELF project, please visit

Making digital education approachable: Matrix, Training and Tools explained in the Operational Guidelines of the RESET project results

Making digital education approachable: Matrix, Training and Tools explained in the Operational Guidelines of the RESET project results

The RESET project announces the publication of its operational guidelines for Vocational Education and Training (VET) operators. Titled "Operational Guidelines for VET Operators," the document presents all RESET learning products and provides instructions for their use. In response to the increasing use of digital technologies in education, exacerbated by the Covid-19 pandemic, the project aimed to address the digital needs of VET professionals. The guidelines are designed to assist VET operators in navigating the digital transition and improving their digital competencies in line with the European framework on digital competencies of teachers and trainers (DigCompEdu). The publication of these guidelines is a significant step towards supporting VET professionals in adapting to the digital shift and enhancing the quality of VET training. For more information and to download the Operational Guidelines, please visit the project's website at   The two-year project was based on recent developments in education and its digitalisation. The Covid-19 pandemic has accelerated the shift to digital learning all over Europe. While some trainers adapted to this easier than others, it was still a big shift for all of them. To support this endeavour and to place the further digital trainings on stable ground, the RESET Project has developed a wide set of trainings and tools. This is accessible to people all over Europe, as it was developed within an international Erasmus+ consortium with seven partners from five different countries. The trainings and tools are directed to the VET Operators and aim at fostering their digital competences and abilities, and they are available on the RESET Platform. The last effort before finalising the project was the production of the RESET Operational Guidelines for VET Operators, which serve as practical how-to guide on the use of the RESET products. For more information on RESET: RESET Website: RESET - Resources for Post-Pandemic Effective Training ( RESET Facebook Page: Project RESET | Facebook

DigComp4VET Unveils Cutting-Edge Training Material to Transform European Vocational Education

DigComp4VET Unveils Cutting-Edge Training Material to Transform European Vocational Education

DigComp4VET, a pioneering Erasmus Plus project, is proud to announce the launch of its newly developed training material, produced under Work Package 3 (WP3). This marks a significant milestone in the project’s overarching goal to enhance the European Vocational Education and Training (VET) system’s resilience and relevance through the implementation of the Digital Competence Framework. With a mission to empower VET professionals with the necessary digital competences for the rapidly evolving landscape of vocational education, DigComp4VET has meticulously worked towards operationalizing the revised DigComp Frameworks. The project adopts a unique "just-in-time" and "bottom-up" approach, focusing on the specific needs of VET professionals. The project consortium, comprising seven organizations from six European countries (Belgium, Germany, Italy, Poland, Romania, and Spain), has been actively involved in analyzing trends, identifying digital skill gaps, and uncovering opportunities within the VET ecosystem during WP2 activities. This comprehensive research served as the bedrock for developing innovative training courses tailored to address the identified training needs. DigComp4VET is an Erasmus Plus project dedicated to enhancing the European VET system’s resilience and relevance by implementing the Digital Competence Framework in VET settings. The project focuses on empowering VET professionals with the competences needed for digital and blended vocational education and training, contributing to Europe’s digital future. DigComp4VET's diverse partnership ensures the transferability and multiplier effects of results across education, training, youth, and sport, thereby contributing to upskilling adults, enriching higher education, and supporting private sector digitalization. Key Features of the Newly Developed Training Material (WP3): - Comprehensive curriculum focusing on digitalization in VET institutions. - Target-centered and multilingual training material available in English, Italian, German, Spanish, Romanian, and Polish. - Aligned with the WP2 Matrix and EU frameworks DigCompORG and DigCompEDU. Training Modules Available: 1. Learners’ Quality Assurance and Learning Management Systems. 2. Digital Upskilling and Reskilling of VET Professionals: Train-the-trainer on New Technologies for Teaching & Education. 3. Learners’ Engagement in Digital-age: Adapting VET Provision to Virtual Environments. 4. Organisation and People Management in Virtual Settings. 5. Digital Competences for VET Professionals: Selecting, Creating and Managing Digital Resources for Teaching & Education. 6. How to develop attractive digital content for education purposes. 7. Digital education and guidance: new roles and pedagogical approaches of VET professionals. The training material is now accessible at [] and promises to be a valuable resource for VET professionals looking to enhance their digital competences. This first version of the training material will undergo a validation process in the later stages of the project, aiming to confirm or fine-tune the quality of the training. DigComp4VET, at the European level, adds significant value by supporting Europe’s digital future and addressing critical capacities identified by the EU. For more information, please visit DigComp4VET is poised to make a lasting impact on Europe's digital future by supporting the upskilling of adults, enriching higher education, and contributing to private sector digitalization.

Launch of open education resource platform and training test and validation

Launch of open education resource platform and training test and validation

The MICRO 2 Digital Erasmus +  Cooperation Partnership Project held its third transnational project meeting online in December to launch the online Open Education Resource Platform and Test and Validation Phase of the project Training Toolkit. Post Covid, digital innovation, innovative business models, changing nature of jobs and new methods of work are all radically reshaping the way companies operate. In Rural Europe, micro-enterprises of all types, with fewer than ten employees face the greatest challenges in making the very necessary digital transition. The MICRO 2 consortium is working on the Project to support rural microenterprises embrace digital transformation by tackling digital competences and skills development. The project also aims to enhance the responsiveness and coherence of the VET system in rural areas to meet increasing demand for digital competences by upgrading service provision in line with the revised Digital and Entrepreneurship Competency Frameworks of the European Commission (Digcomp 2.2, Entrecomp). Based on extensive transnational research, the consortium over the last year has developed a Training Toolkit specifically targeted at the Digital Entrepreneurship needs of the European rural micro enterprise. Modules include, Cybersecurity and Data Management, Digital Marketing and E-Business, Leading and Managing Digital Change and Hybrid Work Teams. An extensive range of real- world accompanying resources such as operational cases and good practices are included. The Training Toolkit has been developed to serve both independent and guided learning.   The Toolbox is available online  in 3 languages at . This Open Education Resources (OER) Platform is the main showcase of project’s results and its largest and most tangible channel for international visibility. All content is completely available for free, without requiring any kind of registration/identification by the user. Testing and Validation is a crucial phase of the project in order to fine tune the training offering. In the following months, partners will meet at least 60 learners from the target group across Europe to test the training material embedded in the MICRO 2 Digital OER Platform to collect feedback about usability, relevance to their needs and delivery means. Feedback from the wider public is also very welcome through the embedded survey on the platform. For further information about the MICRO2 Project please visit

Resources for Post-Pandemic Effective Training: Partnership joined the successful Closing Meeting of the RESET project

Resources for Post-Pandemic Effective Training: Partnership joined the successful Closing Meeting of the RESET project

Brussels, Belgium – October 24, 2023 – The city of Brussels hosted the culminating Closing Meeting of the RESET project, a collaborative initiative aiming to redefine post-pandemic effective training. RESET, co-financed by the European Commission under the Erasmus+ program, brings together seven organisations from five countries (IT; DK; DE; BE; ES) with the shared goal of fortifying the resilience and attractiveness of the Vocational Education and Training (VET) system in response to the challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. The event celebrated the successful navigation of the project’s transformative journey towards enhancing digital skills among VET providers. The Closing Meeting served as a pivotal platform for in-depth discussions on the positive project status, emphasising key milestones achieved and outlining the final steps needed for a triumphant conclusion. IHF and IAL FVG extended a warm welcome to participants, setting the tone for the informative updates presented throughout the session, highlighting significant progress made during the project. Hosted by the Belgian partner (IHF), the consortium engaged in a comprehensive exploration of the project’s results and outcomes. Discussions centered on key highlights, shedding light on valuable insights derived from an analysis of the project’s platform. The meeting also delved into upcoming project tasks, with the consortium dedicating substantial attention to final horizontal activities for ensuring the project’s continued success. This included planning Multiplier Events and strategizing effective ways to share and promote the project, all while maintaining the highest standards of quality throughout the implementation process. Active participation from attendees fostered a collaborative environment, with valuable insights shared to contribute to the project’s successful completion. A significant discussion on the environmental, social, and digital sustainability of the project took place during a tour de table. This involved the presentation of the RESET Green Guidelines, designed to promote a greener approach to project meetings. Partners shared their best practices related to these guidelines, offering a rich exchange of ideas. The meeting concluded with a comprehensive recap of tasks and deadlines, with a reminder that certificates of attendance would be distributed online, aligning with the project’s commitment to a paperless approach. For more information on RESET: RESET Website: RESET - Resources for Post-Pandemic Effective Training ( RESET Facebook Page: Project RESET | Facebook

Empowering Vocational Education and Training (VET) in the Digital Era: RESET Project Unveils Innovative Training and Tools

Empowering Vocational Education and Training (VET) in the Digital Era: RESET Project Unveils Innovative Training and Tools

RESET, which stands for “Resource for Post-Pandemic Effective Training”, is an ambitious Erasmus+ project supported by the European Commission, bringing together a consortium of seven organizations from five European countries (Italy, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, and Spain). The project is designed to address the challenges brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic in the field of Vocational Education and Training (VET). In a world profoundly transformed by the pandemic, RESET aims to enhance the resilience and efficiency of the VET system and promote the digitisation of education in compliance with European policies. The project focuses on teachers, tutors, and coordinators to provide them with the necessary tools and training to adapt to the new digital landscape. As the COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the shift to digital education, RESET has been at the forefront of equipping educators with the skills and knowledge they need to thrive in this new environment. Comprehensive Training Courses: Digital Marketing for VET Provision: Learn to promote educational services in vocational training effectively. Discover strategies for marketing your courses online. Classroom Management (1): Keeping the Audience Involved within the Virtual Classroom - Mind Maps, the Basics: Explore techniques for keeping participants engaged in virtual classrooms. Understand the fundamentals of mind maps for better planning and collaboration. Classroom Management (2): Keeping the Audience Involved within the Virtual Classroom - Digital Mind Maps for Professional Collaboration: Learn to use digital mind maps to facilitate professional collaboration. Analysis of Digital Resources and Understanding of Digital Reliability: Understand how to assess the reliability of digital resources for your lessons. Teamwork and Collaborative Digital Classroom: Explore important methodological perspectives for creating a collaborative digital classroom. Micro-Digital Credential for VET: Discover the concept of micro-credentials and their potential for providing certified further training. Quality Digital Training for Students with Special Needs: Learn how to support students with special needs, including visual aids, assistive technology, and structured literacy instruction. Cybersecurity and Data Protection for VET Operators: Identify cyber threats and learn how to protect your identity and data online. DigComp for Educators and Organizations - Operational Implications: Understand the operative implications of the DigComp framework for educators and organizations. Budgeting and Digital Transformation: Dive into the core of digitalization, optimizing service provision and fostering direct connections with target audiences. Digital VET Optimization - Learning Styles and Roles: Explore core learning styles and instructor roles. Enhance the learning experience with Get Ready to ‘Moodle’. Digital VET Optimization - LMS and Objectives: Unlock the potential of Learning Management Systems (LMS) and learning objectives. Harness digital tools to track progress. Operational Tools for Success: SWOT Analysis: A strategic tool to understand the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats of a project or business. Mind-map Software Tools Collection: A collection of mind-mapping software tools for enhanced organization and planning. Digital Resources Assessment: A checklist for analyzing digital resources and assessing their reliability. Our Practice in regard to Video Conferencing System: A guide to best practices for video conferencing systems. Implementing a Safe and Secure Digital Classroom: Questions for creating a safe and secure digital classroom for collaboration. Micro-credential Checklist: A checklist to explore the potential of micro-credentials in virtual training. How-to-Guide for Google Docs: A guide for using Google Docs' features for students with reading and writing difficulties. Cybersecurity Checklist: A checklist for ensuring online security. Get Ready to 'Moodle': A guideline to get started on Moodle, a learning management system. Operationalization of DigComp’s Resources for VET Providers and LLL Professionals: A document to navigate the ecosystem of the DigComp framework. Annual IT Budget Templates: Two tools for estimating annual IT budgets for organizations.   RESET stands as a beacon of hope for VET providers and educators looking to navigate the digital landscape, offering them the resources, training, and guidance they need to thrive. For more information about the RESET project and its resources, please refer to: RESET Website: RESET - Resources for Post-Pandemic Effective Training ( RESET Facebook Page: Project RESET | Facebook

Resources for Post-Pandemic Effective Training: Test & Validation of the RESET project results

Resources for Post-Pandemic Effective Training: Test & Validation of the RESET project results

Under the RESET Project, a wide set of learning material has been produced as common effort of the consortium involving 7 Partners from 5 different countries. The trainings and tools are directed to the VET Operators and aim at fostering their digital competences and abilities, and they are available on the RESET Platform. In order to check the worthiness of the products and their compliance with the project objectives, a thorough Test and Validation process has been carried out during the second year of implementation. The first step coincided with the production of the Test and Validation Plan. This internal document was addressed to project Partners, and served as a common methodology to carry out testing activities following a precise programme and delivering a coherent set of supporting documents. All Partners carried out testing and validating activities at local level, involving a number of target groups which, at the end of the sessions, provided for precious comments and feedback on the RESET learning material. Each Partner consolidated the feedback on a Report, delivered then to the Project Coordinator for the finalization of RESET. The feedback collected by Partners are widely positive, and they emphasize the benefits of the products. Last effort of the consortium is the production of the RESET Operational Guidelines for VET Operators, which will serve as practical how-to guide on the use of the RESET products. The Guidelines will be available on the platform by the end of January 2024 in all partnership languages. For more information on RESET: RESET Website: RESET - Resources for Post-Pandemic Effective Training ( RESET Facebook Page: Project RESET | Facebook

IMPACT ACADEMY | An innovative Erasmus project in Higher Education to boost Impact Skills and transform entrepreneurial education

IMPACT ACADEMY | An innovative Erasmus project in Higher Education to boost Impact Skills and transform entrepreneurial education

On December 14th, 2023, Internet Web Solutions joined the virtual Kick-Off Meeting of the IMPACT ACADEMY project, a ground-breaking initiative in Higher Education co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission. This innovative project addresses a critical need in entrepreneurial education by focusing on the valorisation of impact skills and aims to empower small businesses to thrive in an ever-changing global landscape. Over the past decades, the importance of impact skills in building corporate resilience during crises has become evident. However, existing tools have predominantly targeted large corporations, leaving a void for emerging businesses seeking to integrate social, environmental, and economic dimensions for success. The question of how a new company can create a business plan that harmoniously incorporates these dimensions is at the core of the IMPACT ACADEMY's mission. The answer lies in the wider acquisition of Impact Skills, a crucial element often overlooked in European universities’ courses. In this framework, 6 partners representing different education systems across Europe decided to build a Consortium to address these challanges: Aix-Marseille Université, France DEMOSTENE Centro Studi, Italy Institut de Haute Formation aux Politiques Communautaires (IHF) asbl, Belgium Adnan Menderes University (ADU), Turkey The University of Tourism and Management Skopje (UTMS), North Macedonia Internet Web Solutions (IWS), Spain   In two years of project’s implementation, partners will collaborate to innovate entrepreneurial education by: Developing an Impact Economy Programme in Higher Education to create a new generation of young entrepreneurs capable of seizing opportunities while prioritizing societal well-being. Partners will produce, test and validate a dynamic course designed to facilitate the acquisition of Impact Skills through engaging multimedia content Creating an Impact Skills Framework designed to equip entrepreneurs with the essential skills necessary for navigating the complex landscape of impact entrepreneurship Developing the SDGs 2030 Assessment Tool for assessing how well an entrepreneurial idea aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals The launch of the IMPACT ACADEMY project signals a transformative step towards a more inclusive and impactful entrepreneurial education landscape, ensuring that small businesses can thrive while contributing positively to society. For more information about IMPACT ACADEMY Project and Internet Web Solutions, please stay tuned to  

Unveiling the AMTech Curriculum for Aviation Aerospace Mechatronics Technicians

Unveiling the AMTech Curriculum for Aviation Aerospace Mechatronics Technicians

AMTech proudly unveils a groundbreaking achievement in vocational education with the publication of a detailed curriculum designed for aspiring mechatronics technicians in the aviation aerospace industry. This curriculum, a central component of the AMTech project, addresses the identified skills gaps and competences outlined in the earlier transnational need analysis. Developed through collaborative efforts among project partners, the curriculum has undergone rigorous piloting within educational settings, garnering positive feedback from target groups. This achievement marks a significant step towards equipping vocational education and training centers with the resources needed to foster competences and skills essential for the success of future mechatronic technicians in the aviation industry. The AMTech curriculum reflects a balanced mix of vocational skills aligned with emerging job roles and key competences within the aviation sector, providing a comprehensive framework to prepare individuals for fulfilling careers in aviation aerospace mechatronics. The curriculum is structured into four main pedagogical areas: 1.Aviation & Aerospace, education and learning objectives: To provide students with a comprehensive understanding of aviation technology, aircraft maintenance, and repair procedures; to develop the necessary professional competencies required for successful employment as an aircraft technician in the aviation and aerospace industries. 2.Electrical & Mechatronics, education and learning objectives: To equip learners with the necessary knowledge and skills required to maintain, repair and troubleshoot electrical and mechatronic systems in aircraft. The training will enable them to understand and work with various systems such as avionics, power generation, lighting, communication, and navigation systems. 3.Computer Science & Avionics, education and learning objectives: To equip the technicians with the necessary knowledge, skills, and competencies to effectively maintain, repair, and troubleshoot aircraft computer and avionics systems. This training will provide the technicians with the ability to identify, diagnose and resolve issues in avionics systems that use computer-based technologies. 4.Safety & Operations, education and learning objectives: To provide comprehensive training to aircraft technicians in safety and operations, covering all aspects of aircraft maintenance, inspection, repair, and troubleshooting. The curriculum aims to equip technicians the necessary skills and knowledge to ensure the safety and efficiency of aircraft operations, minimize the risk of accidents, and comply with regulatory requirements. The curriculum comes also with six short training modules that complements the content of the aforementioned and can be used by education and training providers as support material of their teaching and lessons. 1. How to deliver digital training content through a digital training platform 2. Useful resources for VET professionals and trainers 3. How to engage students in online training 4. Theoretical training in the drone industry based on STEM subjects in VET education 5. Practical application of STEM in VET: a guide for trainers and students 6. Introduction to UAS Technology and its future landscapes To access all project’s result available and teaching and education material, please consult:

The consortium joined the Closing Meeting of the WIDE project

The consortium joined the Closing Meeting of the WIDE project

On 15th November 2023, the consortium joined the 4th and last Transnational Project Meeting of the WIDE project, which was held virtually. WIDE – Women Integration through Digital Entrepreneurship – is a project co-funded by the EU Commission through the ErasmusPlus Programme. The initiative, which officially ends in December 2023, successfully reached its objective by equipping women with the tools needed to thrive in a digital age. Partners managed to produce effective training resources, incorporating those skills and competences necessary not only to enhance employability but also to open doors to online entrepreneurship. The WIDE project has received positive feedback from women and training providers who joined the Test & Validation sessions carried out by partners, in the previous months, to test the quality and relevance of the WIDE Training Toolkit. Moreover, Multiplier Events have been organised in the different partner countries. These initiatives brought together key stakeholders, including policymakers, educators, and community leaders and helped partners in ensuring a long-lasting impact to the project’s results; indeed, they represented a platform to showcase the achievements of the WIDE project, share best practices, and foster collaboration for continued digital empowerment in rural areas. The Closing Meeting represented an opportunity to share the results of each national T&V session and Multiplier Event. At this stage of the project, the meeting was also relevant for the coordination of the final administrative and financial tasks. Partners’ contributions to the meeting proved that the WIDE project prides itself also on the successful management of all transversal activities, such Dissemiantion, Quality Assurance and overall Project Management. From inception to conclusion, WIDE demonstrated meticulous planning, efficient execution, and effective coordination. For more information on WIDE, please check: WIDE Website: WIDE Facebook Page:

WIDE - Test & Validation concluded and Guidelines for users available online

WIDE - Test & Validation concluded and Guidelines for users available online

The WIDE Consortium has successfully piloted the four training modules and related resources developed during the first year of project’s implementation, to exhort and support women living in rural areas to create their own online business. Each partner has reached representatives of the target group and stakeholders at local and national level to test the quality and relevance of the WIDE Training Toolkit and collect feedback. Participants expressed overwhelming satisfaction with the initiative and its concrete results, highlighting its practical approach and real-world relevance. Encouraged by the success of the pilot sessions, partners committed to expanding the WIDE Training Toolkit to reach more women entrepreneurs in rural areas. For this purpose, the Consortium developed operational and straightforward Guidelines to support trainers and educators in the exploitation of the WIDE training resources. The document is now available online and, by leveraging on the WIDE project’s experience and lessons learnt, guides users through the following topics: Training programme structure Structuring training initiatives Designing training curriculum Recruitment and enrollment strategies Attracting and enrolling participants Effective classroom management Managing training environments Final recommendations Optimizing training in diverse operational settings WIDE – Women Integration through Digital Entrepreneurship – is a project co-funded by the EU Commission through the ErasmusPlus Programme. The initiative brings together 6 partners from 6 countries (Italy, Spain, Belgium, The Republic of North Macedonia, Romania and Serbia). For more information on project WIDE, please visit: WIDE Website WIDE Facebook Page

Introduction of the European Aviation Aerospace Mechatronics Passport

Introduction of the European Aviation Aerospace Mechatronics Passport

AMTech proudly presents the official project result, the European Aviation Aerospace Mechatronics Passport—a transformative tool connecting the AMTech curriculum with essential European frameworks. This passport establishes concrete linkages between the AMTech curriculum, ESCO's occupational profile, skills and competences, EUROPASS, and EURES, ensuring a seamless integration into the broader European context. The passport serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking recognition of their skills and competences, enhancing employability prospects across European borders. By aligning with established European frameworks, the AMTech project aims to facilitate the mobility of skilled mechatronics technicians within the aviation aerospace industry, fostering a dynamic and interconnected workforce. The development of the first “European Aviation Aerospace Mechatronics Passport – EAAMP”, represents the fourth and final result of the AMTech project – Development of an aviation aerospace mechatronics technician curriculum. The specific content and outline of Project Result 4 (henceforth, PR4) is informed by the evidences and results compiled by partners throughout the previous cycles of project’s implementation: the transnational needs assessment for identification of trends and dynamics in the aviation aerospace industry, and related in-demand competences for employability and professional development in the industry the consolidation of a comprehensive, holistic and systemic VET curriculum addressing the education and training areas of interest to access and operate in the job market(s) of advanced air mobility (AAM), unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). Full access to the transnational needs analysis, the curriculum (learning areas of interest, Goals, Professional competences to be achieved and outline of education and training content) and the passport itself, is available via the official OER (Open Education Resource) platform of the project: The content of these document provides for three (3) additional resources: ESCO-compliant profiling of the AM TECH curriculum – extrapolation and benchmarking from the ESCO platform of competences that complements the proposed curriculum and provide for specific descriptors of the associated skills and knowledge. The linkages will allow for greater transparency and transferability of the curriculum in the EU labour market, while setting a common “dictionary” of reference for the qualification at transnational level of this professional profile. EURES-based narrative definition of the new profile and occupation – consolidating the interoperability of the AM TECH’ specialist and its description within the EURES system. The intervention of the project on the EURES dimension allows employers to crystalize the specific terminology bridging the dynamics of supply and demand, and ease the engagement of talents. EUROPASS-standardised description of the AM TECH’ specialist – valorisation and promotion of the AM TECH-inspired professional profile in a standard CV format for jobseeking and employability. Altogether, these three separate deliverables contribute to ease the into-action operationalisation of the AM TECH’ profile, and most importantly, the effectiveness and efficiency of matching dynamics between supply and demand within the relevant job market(s).

GENIE project is on target

GENIE project is on target

The 4th and final project meeting of the GENIE partner organizations aims to review the quality of all products developed and in particular to address issues of sustainability and the integration of the results into the future work of all partners. Based on the very successful validation process, which involved more stakeholders than planned and at the same time with excellent feedback from those involved in the process, the products (training units and the GENIE game) were finalized. The work done so far to disseminate the results has exceeded all previous expectations. More than 400,000 interested parties and organizations have already been reached online; more than 110,000 have been informed about GENIE through analogue media. 3,000 people have already used the GENIE material and the game has already been downloaded almost 300 times onto their own computers. Finally, the homepage has been visited more than 80,000 times. The consortium is optimistic for further and intensive use by interested stakeholders throughout Europe. The 4th meeting took place from November 23-24, 2023 at d-ialogo in Wuppertal.

E4F Project's PR4 Phase

E4F Project's PR4 Phase

E4F, Femmes Chefs d'entreprise à l'Export hors de l'EU, is a Project co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Commission, which brings together 7 partners from 5 different countries (France, Italy, Slovenia, Belgium, Spain). The PR4 phase of the E4F project has marked a significant milestone, encompassing two critical components that have advanced the project's mission of empowering women-led SMEs and fostering internationalization in the VET environment: a) E4F Public Policy Report: This comprehensive document serves as a repository of valuable insights gathered during the project's implementation. It consolidates knowledge on internationalization dynamics, strategic management, and female entrepreneurship within VET environments. The report distills the lessons learned, offering a wealth of information that can guide future initiatives in these areas. b) E4F Guidelines for Uptaking: These guidelines are an invaluable resource that outlines the successful aspects of the project, providing a roadmap for what worked well and areas where improvements can be made. They encompass a wide range of elements, including training organization, communication with target groups, enrolment, classroom management, blended learning, online delivery, learner motivation, and feedback. These guidelines are intended to facilitate the integration of E4F training into organizations outside the partnership, creating a lasting impact. PR4 marked a significant step forward in terms of innovation and systemic impact, particularly in the domains of ICT, finance, law, and strategic management for global internationalization opportunities. Importantly, it extended the reach of E4F beyond the geographical and temporal borders of the partnership, promoting the transferability and adaptability of project results to other actors in education, training, and policy. What sets PR4 apart is its commitment to inclusivity. The deliverables, including the E4F Public Policy Report and Guidelines for Uptaking, are available in five languages, ensuring accessibility for a wider audience. They are provided in open access and free versions, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing in the fields of training, consultancy, strategic management, internationalization, SME competitiveness, and female entrepreneurship empowerment.   The project is nearing a successful conclusion, as reflected in the statistics of visits to the OER platform, the massive follow-up of the training courses and the feedback received by users and stakeholders at the many events at which the project has been presented. All partners actively participated in the meeting, reviewing the latest steps towards the closure of the project and exploring new possibilities for future collaboration. More information:

OPSIZO Innovative corporate welfare model D&I in microenterprises

OPSIZO Innovative corporate welfare model D&I in microenterprises

The aim of OPSIZO WP2, coordinated by the University of Naples Federico II, is to develop the innovative corporate welfare model in micro-enterprises for diversity and inclusion in gender and sexual orientation in the Countries involved in the partnership: Italy, Spain, Ireland, Portugal and Germany. The scenarios that emerged in the international post-COVID landscape have further exacerbated the state of marginalisation of the gender and LGBT+ communities, stressing exclusion mechanisms at various levels, including the professional one. 7 Reports in English language on the various dimensions and dynamics of D&I in enterprises were created by partners and an Innovative Model “D&I for Corporate Welfare in Microenterprises” is being finalized. For further information:  

The latest result of the project is now available RESTART: Position Paper and Mainstreaming Guidelines

The latest result of the project is now available RESTART: Position Paper and Mainstreaming Guidelines

The RESTART project is about to successfully complete its two-year implementation trajectory, during which valuable results have been developed, such as the Open Educational Resources Platform, the RESTART Model, or the Training and Tools, as well as many other parallel activities. All these results have contributed to achieving the objectives of the RESTART project to update and improve the system of entrepreneurship and vocational training according to the "new normality", supporting SMEs and their workers, and especially microenterprises, in improving their skills and competencies in the areas that reflect market needs, promoting knowledge transfer and the adaptation of their business models. To culminate the results of the project, the RESTART consortium has developed the Position Paper and the Mainstreaming Guidelines, which represent the operational climate of RESTART and seek to amplify and maximize the impact of the project at the systemic level, while deepening and broadening its scope. This final outcome is aimed especially at policy makers and practitioners in the EU vocational education and training ecosystem, as well as other stakeholders who may develop similar initiatives that bring added value at the European level. These guidelines are now available in the project languages, and can be found at Find out more about the RESTART project at This project is funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union. The European Commission's support for the preparation and publication of this press release does not constitute an endorsement of its contents, which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Evidences, findings and results from the SPECIAL project Operational Guidelines and Policy Recommendation

Evidences, findings and results from the SPECIAL project Operational Guidelines and Policy Recommendation

SPECIAL aims to strengthen, reignite and nurture “life” and “soft” skills of EU NEETs so as to sustain them in (re)integrating in post-COVID societies and labour markets. The project targets the design, provision and exploitation of innovative training content that embeds agile thinking as an umbrella framework for soft skill development. SPECIAL is a Project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, Key Action 2, Strategic Partnerships for VET - Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training. SPECIAL involves seven organisations from six European countries (Romania, Spain, Belgium, Iceland, Sweden, Italy) According to ‘21 data from EUROSTAT, in Nov ‘20, nearly 3.2 Million people < 25 y/o were unemployed. Compared to Nov 19, youth unemployment increased by 456.000 units with 9.3 Million of people “not in employment, education or training”, the number of NEETs is on the rise: COVID-19 outbreak exacerbated the conditions of many young Europeans already facing the risk of socio-economic marginalisation with serious repercussions for their mental health and well-being (EUROFOUND, May ‘21) Some of determinants that result in a high proportion of young people who are not in employment, education, or training are: the inability to study at a higher institution for financial or other reasons, living in a rural or remote areas care for family members (this applies especially to women) adverse childhood experiences like domestic violence or divorce illness, disability loss of motivation due to a long period of job search and/or numerous rejections In such context, SPECIAL has identified training and educations areas that can nurture and trigger NEET’s sense of initiative so as to motivate them in overcoming their condition of isolation. The project targets the design, provision and exploitation of innovative training content that embeds agile thinking as an umbrella framework for soft skill development As the project nears its formal conclusion, partners are now in the process of finalizing the last two major deliverables; the development of PR4 Operational Guidelines and Policy Recommendation. The 2 deliverables are strategically relevant for the uptake of the project and its sustainability. A set of operational and theoretical guidelines to promote the uptake of project results and deliverables beyond the scope of the partnership and the scale of the project. This document serves as the “digital legacy” of the SPECIAL project. It is a compilation of critical information and key findings and results that have emerged during the project’s implementation. However, it is much more than a mere archive; it stands as a fundamental guide for anyone looking to fully harness the results and experiences gained throughout the SPECIAL journey: It offers guidance to those seeking to incorporate the SPECIAL training curriculum into their professional practices and operational environments; This document could represent a valuable asset for organisations and individuals that want to transfer and replicate the SPECIAL project and its training in various contexts. Those wishing to develop initiatives inspired by SPECIAL will find this document as a wellspring of inspiration and guidance. Policy recommendations that inform policy makers and relevant stakeholders on the dynamics of engagement and inclusion of NEETs to nurture their sense of initiative and proactivity. It uses the experience and results of the project as elements and recommendations for the “policy and practice” and establishes clear operational and policy linkages between the project and the public policy level.  This document, the SPECIAL policy recommendations, are a good, timely and reliable reference for new governance actions aimed at sustaining new policy “triggers” for youth empowerment, development of sense of initiative and entrepreneurial attitude among youth.  The SPECIAL policy recommendations: ● provide for evidence on key areas of interest that should be tackled by policy makers to enhance and increase better opportunities for socio-economic emancipation of people at risk of marginalisation (NEETs). ● indicate a concise and comprehensive overview of the most relevant EU pieces of legislation / policy & programme actions in the field of education & training, to which local and regional policy makers should adequate to, and embed into their governance framework. ● highlight those strategic interventions that not only benefit NEETs, but the entire ecosystem of practitioners and stakeholders involved (vet providers, employment centres, etc), and their reactiveness / responsiveness to the phenomenon of youth unemployment & social disengagement. Both documents will be accessible in the free version in six languages (English, Spanish, Italian, Icelandic, Romanian and Swedish) for viewing in October 2023 on the official Open Education resource Platform of the project.: Stay tuned on the news of the SPECIAL project through the platform and the social nerworks Facebook and Youtube!

The RESTART project is coming to its end – an overview of the results

The RESTART project is coming to its end – an overview of the results

The RESTART project, co-funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Programme, aims to enhance entrepreneurship education and training in the VET (vocational education and training) ecosystem. It involves a consortium of seven partners from 6 countries (Slovakia, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Belgium and Spain). The project focuses on addressing the issues arising from digitalization and climate change. The objectives of the project include upgrading the entrepreneurship support system, supporting post-pandemic recovery for SMEs, improving skills for up-to-date market needs, and facilitating knowledge transfer of SMEs. The RESTART project delivered 4 major project results during 2 years: RESTART OER Platform – access on this link An online Open Education Platform with innovative digital learning tools RESTART Innovative Entrepreneurship Model Through country reports and the consolidated findings the partners identified  the skills, competencies, and occupational profiles most needed in MSMEs in the post-pandemic economy RESTART Training & Tools – access on this link 7 modules that are available in English, Slovak, Croatian, Italian, Spanish and Hungarian RESTART Position Paper & Mainstreaming Guidelines It summarises the policy environment for post-COVID MSMEs, draws on existing policy measures, and provides recommendations for ensuring MSME’s resilience and capacity to build and grow in times of permanent challenges. Second, it also synthesises the lessons learnt from the partners’ experiences in developing and testing the training materials of the project. The project partners – Slovak Business Agency from Slovakia, STEP RI from Croatia, Italian Development Partners from Italy, Comenius University from Slovakia, Internet Web Solutions SL from Spain, Institut de Haute formation aux Politiques Communautaires from Belgium and HÉTFA Research Institute from Hungary – had been working together for 2 years to create the project results and provide tangible solutions for MSMEs in the post-COVID era. The training modules reached 203 participants from various target groups: MSME owners and employees, VET providers and students, and business support organisations. Through the multiplier events, the message of the project was delivered to a large audience therefore the project was widely disseminated across Europe. Contact: If you have any questions, and you are interested in getting involved, cooperating or you have any comments, do not hesitate to contact us at email address: Follow all activities and news of the RESTART project on the webpage: and the project Facebook page. This project is funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union. The European Commission support for preparing and publishing this press release does not constitute endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

"Internet Web Solutions meets Senator Amparo Marco in the Spanish Senate in Madrid to present the Erasmus+ Project 'MICRO2': a synergy for a more inclusive and sustainable economic future for Spain and Europe"

"Internet Web Solutions meets Senator Amparo Marco in the Spanish Senate in Madrid to present the Erasmus+ Project 'MICRO2': a synergy for a more inclusive and sustainable economic future for Spain and Europe"

"Dreams and ambition drive us to unimaginable heights: we never stop dreaming and flying high" were the words the Senator gave to the two representatives of the IT partner Internet Web Solutions of the European Project MICRO2 ( ) co-funded by the European Union under the Erasmus+ Programme Key Action 2, at the Spanish Senate in Madrid on 23 October 2023. The meeting was an opportunity to present the objectives of MICRO2: to help micro-enterprises in rural Spain and Europe embrace digital transformation by strengthening their digital competences and skills in e-commerce, cybersecurity and data management, marketing and digital communication. Senator Amparo Marco showed a deep interest in the project in which the Irish partner Irl Irish Rural link, the Belgian Institut de Haute Formation aux Politiques Communautaires asbl, the Italian IDP European Consultants, together with Internet Web Solutions (based in Málaga) are involved, recognising its potential for a positive socio-economic impact, as cybersecurity and the digital skills of small and medium-sized enterprises and individuals in financial matters are of utmost importance today, particularly in the post-pandemic era.   During the conversation, new ways to highlight the MICRO2 project were explored. In particular, the Senator suggested the possibility of involving the Spanish Chambers of Commerce and the associations of small and medium-sized enterprises (PYMEs), in order to establish strategic partnerships for the dissemination of the project. This initiative aims to create synergies with stakeholders and actors in the Spanish economic ecosystem to promote entrepreneurial fomation, digital innovation and economic development. The meeting ended with a visit to the halls of the Spanish Senate and its historical library. Thank you for the interesting conversation, Senator!

The transnational meeting in Helsinki and the development of the Vademecum for Slow Navigation

The transnational meeting in Helsinki and the development of the Vademecum for Slow Navigation

Partner organisations met in Helsinki to update each other on the progress of the project and prepare to launch the new Vademecum for Slow Navigation! On 23 October, the third transnational partner meeting of the 'Offline - How to quit with social media' project was held in Helsinki. The meeting this time was hosted by the Finnish organisation 'Learning for integration' and coordinated by Marja-Lisa Helenius. The respective project leaders were able to directly discuss the progress of the project and especially the latest project result, namely the Vademecum for Slow Navigation. The Vademecum for Slow Navigation is intended to be a manual for gradual detoxification from social media with the aim of helping people to limit and reduce the time spent on social media. In fact, over the past few weeks, after working out the general structure and agreeing on the different thematic sections of this last intellectual product, all partners have been working on the development of the section assigned to them. The meeting was therefore crucial to review all the contributions and start systematising them in order to arrive at the final version that is expected to be ready by the end of November and uploaded on the OER platform by december 2023. But the meeting was not all business! The partners were able to exchange views and new ideas for future collaborations, as well as enjoy pleasant breaks and a few walks around Helsinki's attractions!   See you soon with the latest project news, in the meantime discover the courses of the Offline project available in the Training section of the platform! For more information visit: 

Internet Web Solutions presents Erasmus+ Projects  to over 800 youngs exploring the IT panorama and dual education at the 'Opportunity Morning' event organized by Mangas Verdes and Arrabal-AID in Málaga

Internet Web Solutions presents Erasmus+ Projects to over 800 youngs exploring the IT panorama and dual education at the 'Opportunity Morning' event organized by Mangas Verdes and Arrabal-AID in Málaga

[20th October 2023, Málaga] Career opportunities, IT skills, education, entrepreneurship, international mobility, volunteerism, and civic engagement promoted by 42 exhibitors and a parallel program featuring thirty activities in the cultural fair event organized in Mangas Verdes in Málaga. Internet Web Solutions promoted its Erasmus+ projects focused to youth entrepreneurship, digital skills, women empowerment, promotion of digital culture, digital inclusion in the corner of international mobility projects, exchanges and language immersion initiatives of the cultural fair, together with other field-expert local associations such as Tribeka, Interchange and the Arrabal-AID Association itself. The leitmotiv of the event is for young people to learn about everything available to them in terms of training, employment, guidance, mobility, languages, leisure, etc., as well as to hear first-hand testimonials from role models who are an example to follow. Digital transformation and social innovation played a special role with the involvement of companies such as NTT Data, Oracle , Vodafone or Fundación Telefónica through the 42 programming campus in Málaga and initiatives such as La Noria Social Innovation Centre, the Polo de Digital Content or the Rete Vuela Guadalinfo. The cultural fair took place in the street, in the neighbourhood of Mangas Verdes, in an area that become involved in offering solutions to the challenge of youth unemployment and the lack of opportunities for young people. Monia Coppola from Internet Web Solutions (IWS) gave an interview for Onda Color de Málaga explaining all the opportunities, training Solutions, Erasmus+ Projects offered by IWS: The Opportunity Morning video made by the Arrabal-AID Association for promotion: Introduction to programming, artificial intelligence, 3D printing, cybersecurity and new digital professions were some of the topics covered in the complementary activities of 'Opportunity Morning' 2023, which were combined with other social impact interventions related to the Sustainable Development Goals, circular economy, responsible agriculture or business models for community inclusion and development. ¡A successufull initiative, see you next year!

Development of the career guide for female students of the humanities and social sciences

Development of the career guide for female students of the humanities and social sciences

Mapping Opportunities in Data Science: A guide to professional diversification Across Europe, more women tend to complete university education than men. In contrast, women continue to be underrepresented in programmes related to science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). Instead of pursuing a degree in STEM fields, women frequently prefer to dedicate their studies to the humanities and social sciences. The ensuing gender imbalance also extends to professions which draw on skills and knowledge from these fields. Data science is one of the fields greatly affected by a gender imbalance. The effect is that women do not participate equally in professions which are highly sought-after and increasingly central to the entire economy. Moreover, the integration of data science into all fields of life requires much broader expertise and skills than can be offered from a STEM degree alone – which is why data science, as a field, is in dire need of experts from the humanities and social sciences. For this reason, a consortium of seven partners from Italy, Spain, Austria, Romania, and Belgium, including three universities, developed a set of tools to assist universities wishing to introduce basic data science training in their humanities and social science degree programmes. These include an online learning platform, a framework for data science training, and a set of 43 training courses – all offered in Italian, Spanish, German, Romanian and English. To complement the support structures already developed, the consortium also compiled a career guide to support students from the humanities and social sciences with mapping out a way for them to transition into data science. Its main message is simple: there are a variety of data science roles which may interest you, and you can gradually move towards your preferred role by growing your skills and developing a supporting network. Charting a map into data science professions The guide was compiled by drawing on the collective experience of women working in the field of data science, with the aim of helping other women transition into this field to drive forward the much-needed diversification of the profession. Women in AI Austria hosted a workshop with companies in the field followed by an interview with another to gain the perspective of companies that have experience with people transitioning into the field. In addition, women who had recently transitioned into data science roles shared their experiences with job interviews and trial periods and added their favourite resources, networks, and initiatives to provide readers with insight into what working in the field could be like. Finally, a survey was distributed by the consortium partners to companies and organisations in their countries to identify initiatives and support structures in these countries and understand how students may be supported in their endeavours to build data science knowledge and skills. Through desk research, data science roles were identified and then contextualised to illustrate which pathways might be taken to enter the field of data science. The result is a concise guide developed to allow for a step-by-step transition into data science. It contains an overview of data science professions and how they relate to each other as well as to other skills and disciplines. Students are provided with impulses on how to apply their existing expertise to navigate toward the role of their preference by starting with an achievable position and growing into more technical roles by accumulating experience and knowledge over time. To help readers along the way, the guide introduces useful entry points for becoming immersed in data science, such as building a network of people and information and developing a compass for training resources. In addition, the guide contains stepping stones for getting into the application phase, for instance by identifying suitable employers. The final chapter provides an outlook on how the journey keeps going beyond the first job. About the project The project’s objectives are to introduce curricula in data science in European Universities in Human and Social Sciences, increase data science skills among female students, and promote a career in data science among women. The project aims to foster gender diversity and inclusion in data science education and practice, recognizing the potential benefits and opportunities that data science can offer to female students from different disciplines and backgrounds. For further information on the data science project:

Unlocking Digital Opportunities: DigComp4VET Digital Warehouse Now Open for Online Access

Unlocking Digital Opportunities: DigComp4VET Digital Warehouse Now Open for Online Access

The European Commission's ground-breaking initiative, DigComp4VET, is proud to announce the launch of its Digital Warehouse, an innovative platform providing open access resources for digital upskilling in education and training. With a mission to empower learners and VET stakeholders, the Digital Warehouse is set to revolutionize the European VET landscape by offering a rich repository of resources and a dynamic online training ecosystem. Co-funded by the EU Commission's Erasmus+ Programme, DigComp4VET is at the forefront of digital education. The project aims to create new digital education materials that engage, assess, and assist learners through digital technology. It enhances the European VET system's resilience and relevance, with a focus on innovative assessment models within VET digitalization. The Digital Warehouse, developed by the project consortium and accessible at, is not just another online platform but a comprehensive solution that leverages digital technology for both content delivery and access. Key functionalities include: Online Knowledge Repository: A vast library of training tools and tailored content, presented in various formats and visual layouts, catering to a wide range of learning needs. Online Training Workspace: A multilingual platform where content developed in collaboration with the DigComp4VET consortium is made available to learners, enhancing accessibility and flexibility. Self-Assessed Multiple-Choice Tests: Real-time assessment tools that grant learners DigComp4VET approved digital badges when proficiency levels are achieved. Virtual Meeting Point: A space for VET stakeholders to showcase their services, events, and initiatives, facilitating cross-sectorial collaboration and promoting European values. The Digital Warehouse plays a pivotal role in enhancing the project's impact and visibility. It serves as a hub for: Resource Transferability: Ensuring the wider use and exploitation of project resources. Community Growth: Expanding the project's community of practice by fostering digital identity and awareness at a public level. EU and International Visibility: Strengthening cross-sectorial and transnational networking with other stakeholders. The Digital Warehouse already hosts critical project documents, including the Composite Report, Executive Summary, Composite Literature Review, and Executive Matrix, in multiple languages. For more information, visit to help shape the future of digital education and training.

AMTECH Erasmus+ project consortium flies to Málaga for the European Aviation Aerospace Mechatronics Passport

AMTECH Erasmus+ project consortium flies to Málaga for the European Aviation Aerospace Mechatronics Passport

The Erasmus+ AMTECH (Aviation Aerospace Mechatronics Technician) project working group from Germany, Italy, Belgium, Spain, Latvia and Poland met at the Internet Web Solutions premise, in Málaga to celebrate milestones in transforming Vocational Education. The agenda consisted of insightful presentations and discussions in the areas of analysis of usage of all the Product Results (PR) of AMTECH such as the PR1 - AMTECH OER Platform (OER Platform 24/7 available in 6 languages); PR3 - Development of an AMTech Curriculum and Test&Validation and PR4 - Development of a European Aviation Aerospace Mechatronics Passport. Another important topic discussed during the meeting was the dissemination and communication of all the open educational resources created. Dissemination is crutial to share the outcomes of their research and development activities with other interested parties, ensuring that the acquired knowledge is accessible to a broader audience. This promotes transparency and collaboration in the context of research and innovation. As regards the PR3, the training-related glossary ( ) will help maintaining terminological consistency throughout the training studies. In a European project, there may be students with different mother tongues. The AMTECH multilingual glossary will be helpful in translating key terms uniformly and promoting fairness in access to information. The AMTech project stems from the demand for specific training tailored to the needs of technicians-to-be, microenterprises and SMEs. Throughout this collaboration, partners exchanged experiences and ideas – creating new, innovative or joint Aerospace Mechatronics Technician Curriculum in 6 European languages available at:   The project, which is co-funded by the European Union via Erasmus+, started the on January 2023 and will proceed until the 31st of January 2024. It aims to bridge the gap between vocational education and the aviation industry's evolving needs, contributing to the economic resurgence of Europe in alignment with green and digital transitions.

Bridging the Gap between Education and Employment: JUST Project Achieves Milestone in Training Curriculum Development

Bridging the Gap between Education and Employment: JUST Project Achieves Milestone in Training Curriculum Development

JUST, an acronym for the EU co-funded project “Joint University and Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises (SME) Training”, arises from the recognition that the collaboration between universities and businesses, especially SMEs, is inadequate, both in terms of educational and employment opportunities for students. This is where JUST coming in, with the aim of bridging the gap between the world of education and the world of work by bringing together universities and SMEs to develop coherent, relevant, and up-to-date study programmes using microcredentials. The target groups are: Universities Academic staff Students (18+ years, with an equal gender ratio) approaching the transition from education to the world of work SMEs from various sectors Project Results 3 (PR3): Multilingual Open Access Curriculum At the current stage of the project, partners have developed an innovative training curriculum, currently available in multiple languages (EN, ES, IT, SI, SK) and offered in an open-access format on the project’s OER platform, completely free of charge. This curriculum encompasses a diverse range of courses, each designed to equip students with essential and innovative job skills. Here is a brief overview of the courses with titles and brief descriptions: Smart working characteristics, tools and good practices: Defining smart working and differentiate it from other work types and to get acquainted with SW principles and good practices. The participant will be able to manage setting SW place and choose proper SW tools and technology. They will get familiar with the relevance and specifics of SW in relation to wellbeing and a well-balanced work Interacting safely in a digital setting: Explaining the importance of maintaining good cybersecurity practices, to highlight the importance of protecting personal information, and to provide a general idea of the handiest and effective cybersecurity tools Key competences for the 21st-century workplace: Introducing introduce the soft skills that are important for the 21st-century workplace, explain how to potentially improve them and transmit them into work and life Time, tasks and teamwork management: Underlining the importance of personal organization, to explain what urgent-important matrix is and how to use it, and to teach how to avoid procrastination Being smart, effective and efficient in managing your workload: Helping learners better plan and strategies their workload by prioritising tasks and commitments, to teach them how to perform under pressure and how to remain productive at their best Collaboration and Communication Skills: Explaining to the learners how to build relationships with teammates, to teach them to create good communication dynamics with others, and to improve their ability to understand people and situations in the context of organisations Business Etiquette: Introducing the concept of business etiquette and its role in presenting a united company image, fostering mutual respect for team members, and improving communication in the workplace. The module will explain why it has to be is to be understood and appreciated by all so the organisation is able to do business in all circumstances An unconventional guide to office life: Presenting the concept of organisational hierarchy and its most typical frameworks (including their pros & cons), to explain the Pyramidal Principle of communication that enables a more impactful and effective business communication, and to explain how to better structure the message content when sharing knowledge and information The 8 training courses consist of 1 .pptx module and 1 .docx handout each, enriched with a glossary and a final self-assessment test. To access the course contents, please visit the direct link: Currently, these courses are undergoing testing and validation (T&V) by 300 university students who provide invaluable feedback on content and structure, ensuring they meet the needs of both academia and the job market. Transnational Project Meeting (TPM) in Malaga The recent TPM in Malaga (Spain) played an important role in assessing and advancing the JUST project. The meeting focused on the following main points: Drawing valuable insights and lesson learned from PR2 and PR3 Evaluating the successful implementation of the T&V process, yielding first results. Feedback received thus far highlights: An enthusiastic response from learners Significative positive impact on their professional preparation and competitiveness in the job market and the world of work Confirmation of the usefulness of the training areas addressed and of the quality of the material Next steps Looking Ahead As the project progresses, attention now turns to Project Result 4 (PR4), where efforts will focus on producing guidelines for utilising project outcomes (Implementation Suite) and recommendations for policy implementation to promote similar initiatives and collaboration between universities and SMEs (Green Paper). EU Co-Funded Erasmus+ Project JUST is an EU project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme. The partnership comprises 9 partners from 5 different countries (BE, ES, IT, SI, SK), with representation from both the university sector (4 partners) and the business sector (2). Additionally, 2 business agencies and 1 organisation from the tertiary sector are actively involved. For further information about the JUST project, please contact: Project website: YouTube channel:

4th Transnational Project Meeting of the E4F Project in Malaga

4th Transnational Project Meeting of the E4F Project in Malaga

On the 21st of September 2023, the Project E4F consortium joined the Closing Meeting of E4F in Malaga (Spain), a Project co-funded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Commission, which brings together 7 partners from 5 different countries (France, Italy, Slovenia, Belgium, Spain). The main objective of E4F is to support and revamp the potential of female SMEs and microenterprises to tap into extra-EU markets export. The project aims to build and reinforce the capacity, skills and competencies of female enterprises to export to extra-EU markets by developing innovative training and capacity-building programmes and tools that will ignite their export potential. The heterogeneous character of the E4F consortium embodies in itself the entire essence of the project. The partnership gathers professional organisations from different geographical European regions, including ultra-peripheral areas which are already part of the global market, with extensive experience in female entrepreneurship, export promotion, vocational education and training, and digital development. Furthermore, most partners already represent the target group of women entrepreneurs and SMEs, including a strong participation of females within the working teams.  During the closing meeting, the overall development of the project was reviewed with a focus on the following points: Project Management and Reporting. Dissemination and visibility. Quality Assurance. PR4 Public Policy Upscaling and Training Uptake Guidelines. PR1 OER Platform and Project Website PR2 Map Export Dynamics, Challenges & Opportunities for Female-run Businesses PR3 Develop E4F Tool-Kit The project is nearing a successful conclusion, as reflected in the statistics of visits to the OER platform, the massive follow-up of the training courses and the feedback received by users and stakeholders at the many events at which the project has been presented. All partners actively participated in the meeting, reviewing the latest steps towards the closure of the project and exploring new possibilities for future collaboration. More information:

Innovative Assessment Model in VET Digitalisation Concludes as DigComp4VET Makes Strides

Innovative Assessment Model in VET Digitalisation Concludes as DigComp4VET Makes Strides

The DigComp4VET project is proud to announce the successful development of the Work Package 2, an in-depth and DigComp-based mapping and consolidation of needs assessment and benchmarking for the digitalisation of VET institutions across EU and country level. DigComp4VET, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU Commission, aims to generate new digital education material that will assist, assess, and engage learners through the intentional use of digital technology in education and training. DigComp4VET will contribute to the resilience and relevance of the European VET system through the implementation and operationalisation of the DigComp Frameworks in VET settings. Specifically, WP2 represents an innovative assessment model to tackle challenges in VET digitalisation. The project consortium comprises seven organizations from six European countries (Belgium, Germany, Italy, Poland, Romania, and Spain), working diligently during WP2 activities to analyse trends, identify digital skill gaps, and uncover opportunities within the VET ecosystem. This in-depth research will serve as the foundation for developing innovative training courses tailored to address the identified training needs. WP2 development revolved around a rigorous benchmarking process, aligning the newly created model with established EU frameworks such as DigCompEDU and DigCompORG. By leveraging these frameworks, the consortium ensured that the selected digital competences adhere to European standards. During WP2, it was realised the Executive Multidimensional Matrix, a key deliverable for the project. This comprehensive matrix provides a systematic overview of the essential digital competences required for VET teachers, trainers and students. By offering a structured approach, the matrix enables VET providers to identify and prioritise the areas where they need to build their digital capabilities and educational offerings. These identified areas will be addressed through the DigComp-inspired training curricula in WP3. The construction of the matrix relied on the development of five country-specific reports (for Germany, Italy, Poland, Romania and Spain) and of a pan-EU snapshot, providing valuable insights into the state of play of VET digitalisation. These six reports serve as essential resources for policymakers, education and training stakeholders, and VET providers themselves, facilitating informed decision-making and strategic planning. All six have been merged and consolidated into a Composite Report representing the comprehensive narrative document of WP2. It is accessible on the project platform under the mapping section: Within the DigComp4VET WP2, the consortium developed several additional deliverables, including: An Executive Summary available in multiple languages (English, German, Italian, Polish, Romanian and Spanish) summarising the key findings from all reports and the entire innovative assessment model A Composite Literature Review that serves as a comprehensive compilation of sources used for the research and analysis. This review amalgamates the literature reviews from each individual report, providing a consolidated resource 18 Case Studies and Good Practices, with three of them included into each report. These latter offer practical illustrations of VET digitalization initiatives To access the WP2 deliverables, please visit the direct link: For any further information on DigComp4VET project:

V ASTRA TPM, our last transnational meeting

V ASTRA TPM, our last transnational meeting

On July 14, 2023, the ASTRA project partnership convened online for the fifth and final Transnational Project Meeting (TPM). This meeting was promoted and coordinated by the delegates from Fundacja ad Meritum, our expert partner in territorial, cultural, and post-mining regeneration from Poland. The online format was chosen due to unforeseen circumstances and unfavorable health conditions, especially for the delegates from Idrisi Cultura e Sviluppo ETS. Originally planned as the fourth out of five TPMs, it was supposed to coincide with the ASTRA Learning, Teaching, and Training Activity (LTTA) organized by Fundacja Ad Meritum, which took place in early May 2023. However, due to logistical reasons and scheduling conflicts among the partners, it was postponed compared to the TPM in Palermo. This TPM served as an opportunity to initiate the project's closing phase, which will be completed within a month. A thorough review and monitoring of our intellectual outputs, both in terms of quantity and quality, were conducted, with particular focus on the latest deliverable already available and disseminated: the ASTRA Handbook, in English. Furthermore, communicative aspects, dissemination strategies, and multiplication efforts were discussed, considering the project's follow-up, which will remain active and accessible in all its elements even after the end of the support provided by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Commission.

Consortium partner participated in the third transnational project meeting in Vienna

Consortium partner participated in the third transnational project meeting in Vienna

Data Science in Human & Social Sciences for Women Empowerment: Wrapping up the training courses and preparing the next steps on a career guide for data science opportunities On 17 July 2023, the seven consortium partners from five different countries gathered in Vienna, hosted by the Technical University of Vienna, in order to discuss the progress made on the project deliverables.   Wrapping up the training courses and online learning platform So far, 43 training courses offered in five different languages (DE, EN, ES, IT, RO) have been developed. All courses are now available online on the project website.The courses offer an introduction to a variety of topics and skills identified through the competence framework. Students can take the courses at their own pace and will soon be able to earn certificates upon completion of the self-assessment test. These courses aim to equip female students in the humanities and social sciences with basic to intermediate skills in data science, ranging from SQL and GitHub to data visualisation to an introduction to machine learning. Together, the recent additional functionalities for the learning platform were explored and evaluated. These include feedback functionality which will be vital for testing and validating the course material developed by the partners. Additionally, the previously mentioned certificates upon completion of self-assessment tests are currently being implemented. Mapping opportunities in data science: a guide to future professions An important part of the session was dedicated to presenting the progress on the guide for career opportunities in data science. This guide aims to help female students from the humanities and social sciences orient themselves in the field of data science, get to know basic roles and concepts, and find good resources, initiatives and networks to get familiar with data science. It will also include valuable tips for women seeking to transition into data science. Following an in-depth workshop and an interview, Women in AI Austria presented preliminary findings, a structure for the career guide, and the next steps for collecting information and data for preparing the guide. For further information on the data science project:

OFFLINE Multiplier Event 13th July 2023

OFFLINE Multiplier Event 13th July 2023

Internet Web Solutions held a multiplier event of the Erasmus+ OFFLINE project on 13th July 2023. The event was attended by 2 members of the IWS organisation and was addressed to a group of 7 vocational teachers of Romanian nationality. During the multiplier event, the main objectives and results of the OFFLINE project were presented, specifically: The mapping of free cultural resources in the countries participating in the project and at European level. The self-assessment tool on knowledge and attitudes related to digital competences, online cultural attitude and time spent on social networks. The case studies that collect initiatives to promote information literacy and cultural values. Training courses, which featured prominently at the event. The members of the organisation reviewed the 10 training courses developed in 5 languages that deal with current and relevant topics such as the creation of digital content, the recognition of fake news, or the creative use of digital technology. The event took place at the premises of Asociación Arrabal AID, a valuable partner of the project. At the event, in addition to sharing information about the project, there were relevant exchanges of ideas and practices between the Romanian teachers and members of the participating organisation IWS. The participants, aware of the risks that can arise from the use and dependence on social media, were very interested in the development and evolution of the project and took note of some good practices and recommendations to apply to their daily teaching practice.

MICRO 2 Digital Project Unveils an Innovative Digital Competence Analysis Model for Rural Microenterprises in a Post-Pandemic Era

MICRO 2 Digital Project Unveils an Innovative Digital Competence Analysis Model for Rural Microenterprises in a Post-Pandemic Era

The MICRO 2 Digital project is proud to announce the successful development of the WP2 MICRO 2 Digital Model, a ground-breaking solution focused on analysing and assessing the most sought-after digital competences for microenterprises in rural areas in a post-pandemic era. The MICRO 2 Digital project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU Commission, aims to advance digital competences and skills of microenterprises in rural areas as an engine for growth, employment and social empowerment. The partnership includes four organisations from four European countries (Ireland, Belgium, Italy and Spain). Through meticulous research and analysis, during the activities for WP2, the team has mapped the post-pandemic trends and digital skill gaps within rural microenterprises. This comprehensive understanding will allow partners to develop innovative training courses tailored to the identified training needs. Central to the development of the WP2 MICRO 2 Digital Model was the benchmarking process with established EU frameworks, specifically with DigComp 2.2 and EntreComp. By leveraging these existing frameworks, the project team ensured that the digital competences selected in the model align with European standards, fostering cohesion and compatibility across borders. One of the key deliverables of the WP2 and the project is the creation of the Digital Microenterprises Matrix. This matrix provides a systematic overview of the essential digital competences required for microenterprises in rural areas. By offering a structured approach, the Digital Microenterprises Matrix enables microenterprises to identify and prioritise the areas where they need to build their digital capabilities. There areas will be addressed by the MICRO 2 Digital Training Courses – during the development of the Work Package 3 (WP3) of the project. The basis of this Matrix was the development of three country-specific reports (for Ireland, Italy and Spain) and of a pan-EU snapshot, providing valuable insights into the digital landscape of microenterprises in different countries and regions. These four reports serve as essential resources for policymakers, industry stakeholders, and microenterprises themselves, fostering informed decision-making and strategic planning. In addition to these deliverables, the following were developed within the MICRO 2 Digital Model: A Composite Report combining the four specific reports into a single document An Executive Summary in multilanguage version (English, Italian and Spanish) summarising the main results of all reports and the entire Digital Model A Common Knowledge Bank which constitutes the sources on which the research and analysis were based, representing the union of the literature reviews (bibliography + sitography) of each report 16 including Case Studies and Good Practices in multilanguage version (English, Italian and Spanish) to provide practical examples of digital entrepreneurship of microenterprises in a post pandemic world For more information on WP2 deliverables, visit the direct link: In addition, the deliverables themselves will soon be accessible in a smart and fast manner with the help of a chat assistant – the Chatbot – that the partnership is integrating into the project platform. For any further information on MICRO 2 Digital project:

RESTART is validating the training modules which are now available in 6 different languages!

RESTART is validating the training modules which are now available in 6 different languages!

The RESTART project, co-funded by the European Commission’s Erasmus+ Programme, aims to enhance entrepreneurship education and training in the VET (vocational education and training) ecosystem. It involves a consortium of seven partners from 6 countries (Slovakia, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Belgium and Spain). The project focuses on addressing the issues arising from digitalization and climate change. The objectives of the project include upgrading the entrepreneurship support system, supporting post-pandemic recovery for SMEs, improving skills for up-to-date market needs, and facilitating knowledge transfer of SMEs. Based on the major business challenges identified in the post-COVID era categorized into four main areas (Digital Transformation, Innovation & Servitization, Localization, and Sustainability), the RESTART consortium offers the following 7 online training modules: Digitalization & online learning Innovation and exploiting opportunities for MSMEs Cybersecurity in the (home) office Business model innovation, localization and resilience Sustainable, social and green entrepreneurship Servitization – transforming products into services Emotional intelligence and well-being in the business context The training modules in 6 different languages (English, Croatian, Spanish, Italian, Hungarian and Slovakian) are available at the RESTART platform. The RESTART project partners are currently working on validating the training activities based on the previously created validation plan. This plan serves as a guideline for verifying the effectiveness and efficiency of the RESTART training. Therefore, we invite existing and aspiring entrepreneurs to improve their entrepreneurship skills by trying out the online trainings and providing us their valuable feedback. Let us know about your experience by filling in the RESTART feedback questionnaire or feedback form and star rating in the training sections of RESTART platform. Contact: If you have any questions, are interested in getting involved, cooperating or you have any comments, do not hesitate to contact us at email address: Follow all activities and news of the RESTART project on the webpage: and the project Facebook page.

Genie: Test & Validation in the making

Genie: Test & Validation in the making

After finishing the development of the training and the GENIE board and online game all project partners are now starting to deliver the training and game in the validation activities to involve at least 150 beneficiaries until October 2023. The target group of the test & validation are microentrepreneurs, leaders of micro and small enterprises as well as their employees. The aim of the test & validation phase within the GENIE project is to ensure the quality, reliability, and correctness of the training and the game. It is a crucial step in the development lifecycle that involves verifying that the product meets the specified requirements and performs as expected. The primary goals of the testing and validation include: Detecting defects as it helps Ensuring functionality Verifying reliability Enhancing quality Validating user expectations Compliance and standards Risk mitigation Ultimately, the aim of testing and validation is to deliver a reliable, high-quality product or system that meets the needs and expectations of its users while minimizing risks and ensuring compliance with relevant standards. This is the real-operational environment testing of the results aimed at collecting feedback from users on content, delivery means, depth and relevance of the modules, user friendliness of the boardgame, functionalities of the OER Platform, etc. Users who are interested in the training and the online game can access the platform without login requirements: At completion of the course, they can use a feedback form to provide information on the user friendliness of the training course. Upon completing the training course and the quiz at the end they can also prompt the OER Platform to develop an attendance certificate.

Genie: Test & Validation in the making

Genie: Test & Validation in the making

After finishing the development of the training and the GENIE board and online game all project partners are now starting to deliver the training and game in the validation activities to involve at least 150 beneficiaries until October 2023. The target group of the test & validation are microentrepreneurs, leaders of micro and small enterprises as well as their employees. The aim of the test & validation phase within the GENIE project is to ensure the quality, reliability, and correctness of the training and the game. It is a crucial step in the development lifecycle that involves verifying that the product meets the specified requirements and performs as expected. The primary goals of the testing and validation include: Detecting defects as it helps Ensuring functionality Verifying reliability Enhancing quality Validating user expectations Compliance and standards Risk mitigation Ultimately, the aim of testing and validation is to deliver a reliable, high-quality product or system that meets the needs and expectations of its users while minimizing risks and ensuring compliance with relevant standards. This is the real-operational environment testing of the results aimed at collecting feedback from users on content, delivery means, depth and relevance of the modules, user friendliness of the boardgame, functionalities of the OER Platform, etc. Users who are interested in the training and the online game can access the platform without login requirements: At completion of the course, they can use a feedback form to provide information on the user friendliness of the training course. Upon completing the training course and the quiz at the end they can also prompt the OER Platform to develop an attendance certificate.

The fly project offers online training on financial education through an open educational resources platform

The fly project offers online training on financial education through an open educational resources platform

The international Erasmus+ financial literacy project FLY - Financial Literacy for Inclusion, co-financed by the European Union, has now launched its training section with all the training material developed by the project partners, through the Open Educational Resources Platform (OER). With this initiative, all the courses designed to promote financial security are available to the public free of charge. Users can access all the training material completely free of charge and without prior registration, through the link: and easily navigate through the different modules and training areas, which will provide the keys to optimise the use of money and achieve greater autonomy in basic financial matters. This resource is aimed at anyone who wants to acquire the skills to identify and assess situations related to their personal finances and make their own financial decisions. The content of the new online training tool is available in a multilingual version, having been translated into the five languages of the FLY project (English, Spanish, Italian, French and Turkish); and is divided into three main areas: Financial Literacy Alphabet;  In the FIRST AREA, Financial Literacy Alphabet, the following modules are covered: Module 1: Fundamentals of finances; Module 2: Money and Means of Payment; Module 3: Economic Indicators. In the SECOND AREA: Financial Decision-Making and Management, the modules: Module 4. Savings products: deposits; Module 5. Financing options, credits and loans; Module 6. Family / personal budget management; Module 7. Special products (i.e., reverse mortgage). And in the THIRD AREA: Finances for Good, you will learn about the modules: Module 8: Financial advisory; Module 9: Risks and Dangers of Finance; Module 10: Ethical finance for a just society. Through different training resources such as infographics, presentations, self-assessment tests, and a tool specially designed to measure the user's financial knowledge, citizens can broaden their notions about the value of money and savings or about risk and the real needs of their economic decisions, be they savings, investment, indebtedness or transactions, for example. This training, validated by experts in the field, is aimed at targeting the best financial actions that have an impact on the preservation of the environment at the individual level. The OER platform that hosts this material, as one of the pillars of the FLY project, as well as the rest of the project results, is developed by a consortium of eight organisations from five European countries (Belgium, Spain, France, Italy and Turkey). From a digital transformation perspective, this group addresses financial literacy by supporting the use of digital technologies in adult education and promoting new learning opportunities, especially for people who need a higher level of financial knowledge, skills and competences. The partners are currently engaged in the Testing and Validation phase of the training content, with a target of 140 final beneficiaries, including representatives of the target groups, professionals and educators, as a matter of fact, the curriculum will be delivered transnationally to a cohort of targets’ representatives and stakeholders of interest (i.e., both direct beneficiaries of the training content as well as other stakeholders operating in the fields of Adult education, digital and media literacy, etc.). An internal and common project plan for the roll-out in pilot version of the training content has agreed on by partners. Find out more about Project FLY:      

Round table "Digital skills in the third age"

Round table "Digital skills in the third age"

On Monday, June 12, 2023, BOOMER project consortium organised round table “Digital skills in the third age” and presentation of project results at the Faculty of Economics and Business Zagreb. BOOMER aims to improve the digital skills of third age population, to bridge the intergenerational digital gap and enable the active participation of older people in everyday activities. Over 100 retirees, members of the group that BOOMER is intended for, visited the event. The results of the project were presented by prof. Nebojša Stojčić, project coordinator and director of the UNIDU CREDO research center. As he pointed out, according to the share of people of the third age with digital skills, Croatia is below the European Union average, and this population group is more exposed to the risk of disinformation, financial fraud, identity theft and similar risks in the digital environment. On the other hand, a survey conducted among pensioners from all parts of the Republic of Croatia showed that many elderly people are not only open to using digital tools, but also actively include them in their daily life for the purpose of accessing information, activities on social networks and communication with family and friends. In this sense, the BOOMER project contributes to the reduction of the intergenerational digital gap, the active participation of older citizens in everyday life, the social inclusion of digitally vulnerable social groups and the exploitation of synergies between interested participants. In the round table that followed, the Vice President of the European Commission for Demography and Democracy, Mrs. Dubravka Šuica, State Secretary of the Ministry of Labour, Pension System, Family and Social Policy, Mr. Ivan Vidiš, representative of the Agency for Mobility and EU Programs, Mrs. Marija Pavlović Bolf , president of the Croatian Pensioners Association, Mr. Višnja Fortuna and Nikolina Pejović from Croatian Telecom discussed project progress and other undergoing initiatives for digital upskilling of elderly persons. Mrs. Šuica highlighted digitization as one of the priorities of the European Union and expressed her satisfaction with the practical implementation of the project so far. Other participants presented the practical experiences and initiatives of the institutions they represent aimed at improving the digital skills of people of the third age. "It was our pleasure to host a round table as part of the BOOMER project, which focuses on the digital literacy of people of the third age. Through BOOMER, we provide support and education to elderly people so that they feel safe and confident in the world of digital technologies. We will continue to work diligently to enable them to remain connected and active in this digital age," said Associate Professor. Ph.D. Mihovil Anđelinović, project manager from EFZG. "In the interest of Croatian Telekom is an educated, digitally literate population in all periods of life, especially the third age. HT has already independently launched digital literacy education projects by donating internet and laptops to homes for the elderly. The BOOMER project represents the continuity of our activities by which we say thank you to the elderly," said Nikolina Pejović , representative of Croatian Telecom in the consortium. "Being a part of the BOOMER project for Croatian Pensioners Association represents an important contribution to the development of digital technologies that will affect the standard and quality of life of the elderly and pensioners. Through the project, the Croatian Pensioners Association will continue to provide support in working with pensioners in order to increase the level of digital literacy that will facilitate their daily activities." - Višnja Fortuna, president of the Croatian Pensioners Association. More about the project:

Erasmus+ SPECIAL project: Test & Validation in the making.

Erasmus+ SPECIAL project: Test & Validation in the making.

The SPECIAL project has embarked on a mission to empower EU NEETs (Not in Employment, Education, or Training) by reigniting and nurturing their essential “life” and “soft” skills. With the ultimate goal of facilitating their successful (re)integration into post-COVID societies and labour markets, SPECIAL is focused on designing, developing, testing, and validating a comprehensive training framework for VET operators. The project, which brings together six partners from six countries (Iceland, Sweden, Romania Spain, Italy, and Belgium) aims at reigniting lifelong learning skills of NEETs in Europe (mainly those from non-urban areas). The SPECIAL project aims to assist EU NEETs by providing comprehensive support and resources, helping them establish sustainable and fulfilling futures. Combining innovation, collaboration, and a dedication to skills enhancement, SPECIAL aims to reshape the lives and opportunities of NEETs, enabling them to thrive in the post-COVID era. The consortium has successfully conducted its Test and Validation activities. The partners involved in the project have provided valuable insights and feedback based on the results of these activities, shedding light on the effectiveness and impact of the training framework. The feedback from trainees regarding the SPECIAL toolkit has shown positive outcomes and numerous benefits. They found the toolkit user-friendly and practical, allowing them to acquire new skills and knowledge. The training content was highly praised for its usefulness and relevance, encouraging reflection on society, social media risks, and opportunities. Trainees also appreciated the information on digital entrepreneurship, which provided valuable tips. They suggested that the module completion time could range from 4 to 8 hours, indicating a manageable and flexible learning experience. Additionally, the inclusion of tools for web design, graphics, and SEO within the toolkit was greatly appreciated. Insights and recommendations from partners based on their Test and Validation experiences have further contributed to the SPECIAL project’s development. Trainers reported positive sessions, with active engagement from participants. The courses were tailored to specific groups, including those familiar with social networks and teachers addressing social media challenges in their classrooms. Discussions covered dependency on social networks, emerging job opportunities, risks of online platforms, and the impact on real-life interactions. The module focusing on social media received significant attention, particularly regarding time spent on applications and the potential distortion of reality. Teachers expressed concerns about excessive mobile phone use among students. The digital entrepreneurship module was praised for introducing practical tools like Canva and WordPress, as well as providing guidance on SEO/SEM. Trainers emphasized its relevance for individuals interested in starting businesses, offering valuable insights into various aspects of entrepreneurship. Feedback from trainers and students from other partner organizations echoed the positive results obtained during Test and Validation activities. Trainers appreciated the toolkit’s accessibility and practicality, highlighting its inclusivity and adaptability. Students reported significant learning outcomes, praising the toolkit’s practicality and ease of use. The training content was considered valuable and up-to-date, inspiring students to explore possibilities within the Fablab domain. The toolkit was recognized as a helpful resource that motivated students to continue their independent learning journeys. The feedback and recommendations gathered from Test and Validation activities serve as evidence of the SPECIAL project’s effective training framework. The positive results and valuable insights provided by partners contribute to continuous improvement and the identification of potential areas for further exploration. SPECIAL stands as an innovative initiative dedicated to empowering EU NEETs, equipping them with practical skills and knowledge to successfully navigate the challenges of the post-COVID era. For more information about the SPECIAL project and its ongoing initiatives,please visit our website: Stay tuned on the news of the SPECIAL project through the platform and the social nerworks Facebook and Youtube!

Final meeting of SPECIAL: Transnational Project Meeting in Húsavík

Final meeting of SPECIAL: Transnational Project Meeting in Húsavík

On 13 June 2023, the consortium joined in Húsavík, Iceland for the 4th and final transnational meeting of the SPECIAL project. SPECIAL project that started in 2021, brings together seven partners from six European countries (Sweden, Italy, Iceland, Belgium, Spain and Romania) and is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission, aims to strengthen, reignite and nurture the “life” and “soft” skills of young people who are neither studying nor working in the European Union (NEETs) to help them (re)integrate into post-COVID societies and labour markets. During the meeting, the partners were able to discuss the status of the projects deliverables and the work ahead in the the final stretch. Meeting face2face was an important chance to go into depth matters such as evaluation, administrative aspects as well as communication of the products of the project. In the last weeks of the project the partners will work on the development of PR4 Operational Guidelines and Policy Recommendation, the 2 deliverables that are strategically relevant for the uptake of the project and its sustainability. The SPECIAL Training Toolkit (PR3) is ready and uploaded on the platform.  Accessable, attractive and effective content for young people not in education nor in employment. The OER platform, hosts the products resulting from the project (reports, training, guidelines and recommendations) and is now available at in six languages (English, Spanish, Italian, Icelandic, Romanian and Swedish) The meeting was a great chance to learn from our work and to strengthen the bonds for further collaboration. Stay tuned on the news of the SPECIAL project through the platform and the social nerworks Facebook and Youtube!

CARE project 3rd meeting in Lecce, Italy

CARE project 3rd meeting in Lecce, Italy

The third CARE Project Meeting was successfully held at the headquarters of the CPIA in Lecce. CARE, which stands for "Consumption Awareness for Responsibility towards the Environment” is an Erasmus+ project coordinated by the University of Malaga, that aims to enhance environmental awareness among adults. Environmental awareness is crucial in addressing the current and future challenges our planet faces. Through the CARE project, the consortium integrated by 7 organisations from 4 countries (ES, BE, IT and PT), is tirelessly working to educate adults on adopting sustainable practices in their daily lives. The CARE project is committed to reaching a broad and diverse audience, actively involving adults in environmental awareness activities through workshops, knowledge divulgation and educational resources. The third meeting has allowed the consortium to evaluate the progress made thus far and plan future activities to maximize the impact of our work. During the meeting, participants had the opportunity to analyse the progress achieved thus far and outline the next steps for the project. The partnership carefully reviewed the four main results of the project and assessed their current state of the art, exchanging ideas, experiences, and best practices among participants from different regions. Discussions focused on the importance of engaging adults in environmental awareness and providing them with tools and accurate knowledge to act responsibly and sustainably in their daily purchases. During the gathering, significant achievements were highlighted, including the plan for Testing & Validation of the training solutions created, that are available in 5 languages in the OER platform of the project Promobiz provides a tool for current entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs-to-be for developing low impact activities, both through the collection of new business ideas or by turning an existing business to be more circular and respectful with the environment. Promobiz is developing an original methodology for the assessment of ideas that could be presented through this CARE platform link. For more information about the CARE project and its work, please visit the website Social networks:

Enhancing digital entrepreneurship of micro enterprises in rural areas in a post pandemic world

Enhancing digital entrepreneurship of micro enterprises in rural areas in a post pandemic world

The MICRO2 official website represents a repository of the project’s outputs, results, news and contacts, and will be the OER platform for target groups to access MICRO2 resources and training materials. MICRO2 is a project within ERASMUS+ KA220-VET - Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training. Digital innovation, innovative business models, changing nature of jobs and new methods of work are all reshaping the way companies operate. Small and micro-enterprises in rural Europe are the ones facing the greatest challenges in sustaining their digital transition. MICRO 2 Digital aims to address the pressing need to support microenterprises in rural areas to embrace digital transformation by tackling the issue of digital competences and skills of their staff. Moreover, MICRO2 Digital aims to enhance the responsiveness and coherence of the VET system in rural areas to meet increasing demand for digital competences by upgrading service provision and also by the latest update DigComp 2.2 released in March 2022. Objectives of the MICRO2 project are: Develop the “Digital Microenterprise Matrix” based on DigComp 2.2 + EntreComp Develop training for rural microenterprises on most relevant digital competences & skills based on Learning Outcome approach (Cedefop) and is also EQF compliant Develop operational tools for microenterprises to implement digital transformation in their daily operations Develop the “Digital Warehouse” with knowledge containers, digital workshops and networking spaces Deliver MICRO 2 Digital Training The project officially kick-started on December 2022, with the first online transnational meeting during which partners had a great opportunity to discuss the overall project implementation schedule, define timelines and respective duties in the following months. One of the very first activities was the development, testing and implementation of the Open Educational Resources (OER) Platform. MICRO2 Platform is the main showcase of project’s results and its largest and most tangible channel for international visibility, and is available in 3 languages (EN, ES, IT) with all of its content completely available for free, without requiring any kind of registration/identification by the user. MICRO2 website is now online at Project platform will host and integrate all the main achievements of the consortium; each section of the MICRO2 Platform is a stand-alone library of its corresponding output. For further information about MICRO2 Project, stay tuned to  

The CARE Project launched the “Questionnaire on Responsible Consumption” to carry out research on consumers’ behaviour

The CARE Project launched the “Questionnaire on Responsible Consumption” to carry out research on consumers’ behaviour

The partners of the CARE project – an Erasmus+ initiative co-founded by the European Commission and coordinated by the University of Malaga – are working to provide up-to-date and rigorous knowledge on Responsible Consumption, a new and still somewhat confusing concept. The CARE project aims to contribute to behavioural changes in people's preferences, consumption habits and lifestyles, in line with the European Commission’s policies and recommendations. In particular, through the development of the CARE-Knowledge Virtual community, partners will build and share new knowledge about Responsible Consumption, proving its importance, impacts and multiple links with the concepts of ethical, fair, social and ecological consumption. Contribute to the CARE research Partners are now collecting data on the population's knowledge and awareness of Responsible Consumption to identify patterns of behaviour, as well as the stimuli, brakes and obstacles that are perceived for its application to daily life. Data will be used to evaluate the acceptance and effectiveness of current institutional policies and measures on Responsible Consumption, so to generate new recommendations for its regulation and design of awareness campaigns. While many studies have been carried out on groups of convenience and in environments that are not very generalizable, which limits their validity, the CARE research will rely on a large sample of consumers throughout Europe; this factor will allow the project to inform new evidence-based and data-driven policies and stimulate further research. To sustain partners’ efforts and take part in the CARE research, it is possible to fill in the Questionnaire on Responsible Consumption, reporting perceptions and opinions about the way people consume. In this way, partners will be able to evaluate the degree to which the consumption that takes place in the EU is a conscious and responsible consumption in social and environmental terms. Link to the questionnaire To know more about the CARE project and its Knowledge Virtual Community                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              

WIDE Training development is complete and 4 training modules are now available online in on the WIDE OER Platform

WIDE Training development is complete and 4 training modules are now available online in on the WIDE OER Platform

The training development as a part of project result 3 (PR3) has been completed in 6 lenguages and ONLINE & FREE Courses  are open on the project website. As a basis for the development of innovative trainings, the WIDE consortium used the previously developed Manual for the Rural Entrepreneurial Ecosystem and designed 6 training modules on the following topics: Female Entrepreneurship Access to Finance Sharing Economy Digital Entrepreneurship in rural setting Moreover, each module is also available in an audio version, ppt and Word formats both ready for download.  Except for English, all modules are available in 5 other languages: Spanish, Italian, Serbian, Macedonian and Romanian. After successfully completing self-assessment questions after the module, a learner can download a personalized CERTIFICATE of the course completion. A feedback form  is available at the beginning of each training session so DON'T FORGET TO RATE US! Your feedback is more than welcome!  WIDE – Women Integration through Digital Entrepreneurship – is a project co-funded by the EU Commission trough the ErasmusPlus Programme. It aims at exhorting women living in rural areas who are looking for their first job or are unemployed to create their own online business. More information on project WIDE, please visit: WIDE Website: WIDE Facebook Page:

Internationalisation and Export Management: Training opportunities for female-led EU businesses

Internationalisation and Export Management: Training opportunities for female-led EU businesses

E4F highlighted that EU female SMEs represent only 18% of EU exporting SMEs. This reveals a strong gender gap within Europe, considering that 62% of the jobs dependent on exports are occupied by men compared to 38% by women. This is confirmed also by seeing the special distribution of female SMEs in Europe. A survey conducted by the WEgate Platform (“A Survey of Women Entrepreneurs in Europe”, 2020) revealed the following: “Women make up 52% of the total European population, but only 34.4% of the European Union (EU) self-employed and 30% of start-up entrepreneurs. Given their creativity, entrepreneurial capacities and talents, they are an under-utilised resource that could become the new driving force for the next generation of Europe” The situation of female SMEs in Europe could be summarised through several key highlights, stemming from the international needs-assessment carried out by partners: Based on our transversal and cross-national analysis, there seems to be a lack of tailored quantitative data on the phenomenon of internationalisation for female-run businesses operating in the food, fashion and handicraft industries. With this considered, our assessment focused on second best desk research which highlight interesting insights upon export dynamics as a whole Training resources are indeed available at EU level, but with coefficients of granularity that seems missing the framing of internationalisation as a stand-alone capacity building’s field Although gender-centred statistics on EU SMEs are largely available, when it comes to export and internationalisation the analysis of the phenomenon loose a diversification of such scale The research concluded by partners, and results stemming from the evaluation, confirmed the existence of several training areas that could indeed function as triggers for new development pathways based on international competitiveness, growth and profitability through the penetration of foreign markets. Four main training areas gathers together the training modules developed by partners: Strategies for Internationalisation Market Research/market analysis Risk Analysis Business Plan for Internationalisation Customs, International IPR, legal aspects E-commerce, international and digital marketing International digital marketing: strategies and tools Business models in International digital marketing IWS Social selling Branding and Personal branding Digital Story Telling Sociologic and cultural aspects of Extra EU Export Cross cultural management Business etiquette in an international environment All training material will be available for free, in open access and Multilanguage version via the official Open Education Resource Platform of the project:

SPECIAL Multiplier Event held in Spain: Igniting NEETs participation in societies and labour market

SPECIAL Multiplier Event held in Spain: Igniting NEETs participation in societies and labour market

On 3 March 2023, SPECIAL's Spanish partner, Internet Web Solutions, held a project multiplier event in Malaga, thanks to the collaboration of the associated partner Arrabal AID. The event, entitled "Igniting NEETs participation in societies and labour market: what lessons learning from the SPECIAL project?", was attended by 14 international participants from VET ecosystem. During the event, a presentation of the SPECIAL project was given, showing its objectives, partners, associates, as well as the different results, among which the Open Educational Resources platform, available 365 days a year, 24 hours a day, free of charge, was highlighted together with the advantages of making use of the project results. The multiplier event allowed participants to expand their perspectives and learn about the project results, mainly innovative training content that incorporates agile thinking as a framework for soft skills development in a flexible, demand-driven and customised way, specifically addressed to target needs and learner-centred. SPECIAL – Supporting and Promotion EntreComp through Innovative Advanced Learning is a Key Action 2 cooperation project co-funded by the European Union, in the framework of the Erasmus+ Programme, which brings together 7 partners from 6 countries (Iceland, Spain, Italy, Belgium, Romania and Sweden) with the objective of provide a new training framework for VET operators that is instrumental to reignite NEETs’ sense of iniative, nurture NEETs’ perception of self-awareness and self-efficacy, strengthen NEETs’ flexibility and adaptation to social and market labour dynamics as well as empower their social and life skills while enhancing employability opportunities and entrepreneurial spirits.

RESTART Consortium Holds Successful Transnational Project Meeting in Brussels to Advance Entrepreneurship Education

RESTART Consortium Holds Successful Transnational Project Meeting in Brussels to Advance Entrepreneurship Education

Brussels, Belgium - On February 22, 2023, the RESTART Consortium held its third transnational meeting in Brussels, Belgium, hosted by IHF Europe. Bringing together seven partners from six countries - Slovakia, Croatia, Hungary, Italy, Belgium, and Spain - the RESTART project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission. The project aims to develop innovative training solutions and tools to improve and advance entrepreneurship education and training across the VET ecosystem, addressing the needs emerging from digitalisation and climate change. During the meeting, the partners were able to discuss a range of issues, including updates on the project's various results, such as the RESTART Training & Tools, the Open Educational Resource Platform (OER), and the Position Paper & Mainstreaming Guidelines. Additionally, the partners reviewed the training materials and translations available on the RESTART project website and discussed their validation plan overview. They also reviewed the current status of the RESTART OER Platform, including the unique visits to the platform and web statistics. The RESTART Consortium is committed to ensuring the quality of the project's various results and its management and communication. The partners discussed the reporting process and communication and dissemination strategies, summarizing the dissemination activities of all partners and the number of people reached both online and offline, including policy makers. All of the RESTART project's results will be contained in the RESTART OER Platform, which is available in six languages - English, Croatian, Spanish, Italian, Hungarian, and Slovak - to enhance and ensure the visibility and transfer of results. The platform aims to improve the skills and competences of SMEs, especially micro-enterprises, in the "resilience journey" of the post-pandemic context. The platform will also include the RESTART training content and tools, which are currently being created by the consortium and will be reviewed before validation by users. The RESTART Consortium's transnational meeting in Brussels was a significant step forward in the development of the project's various results, contributing to the advancement of entrepreneurship education and training across the VET ecosystem. The consortium is committed to delivering innovative and effective solutions that address the needs emerging from digitalisation and climate change. For more information about the RESTART project, visit the project website at or follow them on social media at Facebook and YouTube.

PROMOBIZ and the CARE Project

PROMOBIZ and the CARE Project

PROMOBIZ and the CARE Project An opportunity to evaluate the sustainability of your business idea Internet Web Solutions is official partner of the CARE project, an international initiative co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme and coordinated by the University of Malaga (UMA). The project aims to contribute to behavioural changes in people's preferences, consumption habits and lifestyles, in line with the environmental policies adopted by the European Commission: the circular economy action plan, waste management policies and the present challenge of “making European recovery a Green Deal”. The CARE project provides the chance to propose and filter ideas for future businesses that are creative, socially and economically viable, responsible, environmentally sustainable, and that support the growth of the circular economy. To reach this objective CARE partners developed PROMOBIZ, an innovative tool to evaluate entrepreneurial ideas from an environmental sustainability perspective, through specific parameters and criteria. Discover the content of PROMOBIZ PROMOBIZ offers an opportunity for everyone to express ideas and contribute to improving the environment that surrounds us and that we live in. In order to find initiatives and new business prospects that match the requirements of this project, PROMOBIZ, acting as a responsible business forum, will provide a venue for the reception of ideas from consumers as well as individuals and groups with an entrepreneurial vocation. PROMOBIZ is aimed at all individuals with an entrepreneurial vocation, social and environmental sensitivity; at people who desire to engage in social innovation, as well as current businesses and companies, particularly SMEs, which have the concern to refocus their business to make it more sustainable. Lastly, PROMOBIZ is aimed at consumers, associations, community and neighbourhood groups that have identified the need for specific services and products. By developing a platform that enables the examination and evaluation of ideas, PROMOBIZ will produce a unique and cutting-edge technique for the filtering of business ideas that combines economic feasibility with social and environmental viability. If you have an entrepreneurial idea and want to test its sustainability, you can participate to PROMOBIZ and share your idea filling the form at the following link:   To know more about the CARE project:

Fourth TPM of ASTRA

Fourth TPM of ASTRA

The fourth TPM of ASTRA was held in Palermo, the last but one before the last meeting – along with a learning, teaching, training activity - planned in Warsaw. It was attended by Internet Web Solutions and Ad Meritum’s delegates, being hosted by Idrisi Cultura e Sviluppo ETS.   Many of the results and project activities were presented in Palermo less than a month ago, on the occasion of the great Multiplier Event held in Palermo, which was attended by numerous Sicilian educational institutions, NGOs, representatives of the Erasmus+ Italy Agency and rural Sicilian municipalities, which host the actual memory of the former local Sulphur mines. However, ASTRA is still ongoing and, on the occasion of this partnership meeting, new activities have been planned: the completion of our storytelling through images and documentaries (, the progress of publications including the Report on the state of European post-industrial and former mining sites and above all the Handbook, which will address the theme of the revitalization of former mines from an entrepreneurial, cultural and creative point of view. The last point, the LTTA and its content, which will involve the researchers and educators at work in ASTRA.

Seventh partnership meeting of Erasmus+ KA204 BUCOLICO project

Seventh partnership meeting of Erasmus+ KA204 BUCOLICO project

on 17 January 2023, in Palermo, we had the seventh partnership meeting of our Erasmus+ KA204 BUCOLICO project, the last one foreseen in the course of three years. The Transnational Partnership Meeting was attended by the delegates of Innovation Frontiers, Internet Web Solutions and Ad Meritum.   As planned, numerous open points were tackled: from Intellectual Output 3, a financial literacy training for the elderly under development by Idrisi, FAM and IWS to the actual implementations of the Entrepreneurial Curriculum designed by the Ad Meritum's trainers. Much attention was paid to the development of IO6, the BUCOLICO handbook, a manual that summarizes the educational and training models for NEETs in rural areas developed by the partnership: online courses to foster digital,entrepreneurial, financial literacy, but also serious games, tools and publications for trainers. During our TPM#7 the latest version of the IO5 BUCOLICO Gaming App was also presented, which will soon finally be downloadable from the main App Stores.

ASTRA Multiplier Event

ASTRA Multiplier Event

The Italian ASTRA Multiplier Event was held on 15 and 16 December, by Idrisi Cultura e Sviluppo ETS. The Multiplier Event ideally marks the beginning of the closing phase of the project’s workload and has allowed both Idrisi and the partners, remotely, to present the project's intellectual outputs to the public, for example documentary and multimedia products on the Sicilian mining heritage, but also the platform and the original geodatabase, developed by Internet Web Solutions. The two days were above all a moment of sharing, exchange and storytelling on the history of European mining and the fate of the former extraction sites, with the full support of a vast, involved audience. The event program dealt with various contents, close not only to ASTRA but more generally to Idrisi, the Erasmus+ Program and europlanning culture: from the third sector as a 'place' to conceive, design and produce educational initiatives to Erasmus+, to its opportunities and the space that this Program grants to creative activities that wish to enhance the European cultural heritage, including the contemporary, post-industrial, post-mining one. Participants in the event were also offered the performance 'Voci di Miniera', by and with Patrizia d'Antona, with the participation of Paride Cicirello. Thanks to all the participants and in particular to the Managers, teachers and students of the "F.Crispi" Ribera Comprehensive Institute, of the IISS “Francesco Ferrara” of Palermo, of the "Francesco Scaduto" State High School Gymnasium of Bagheria for having accepted our invitation so warmly. Further thanks to the mayor of the Municipality of Montedoro R. Bufalino for his intervention and for having supported, together with the StarGeo association and the Zolfara Museum, ASTRA in many of its phases and productions. Special thanks to the Erasmus + National Agency Indire and to the Coordinator Dr. Sara Pagliai for her greetings and her intervention dedicated to Erasmus +, as well as to the EDA Partnerships Unit for the consideration and availability shown and profused. Lastly, a heartfelt thanks to the Pietro Barbaro Foundation, which hosted and welcomed Idrisi and the initiative in the splendid and evocative hall of Palazzo Trinacria.

"How to quit with social media”: the new section of the OFFLINE platform that helps you find reliable sources of information and quality cultural resources.

"How to quit with social media”: the new section of the OFFLINE platform that helps you find reliable sources of information and quality cultural resources.

TV news is still the main source of information for most European citizens, however  social media, and in particular Facebook, are increasingly used as  points of access to news. The fact that millions of citizens inform themselves on social media is not exactly a reassuring fact, considering the lack of transparency in the way in which news is distributed on social media and the reliability of the sources of information. The risk of getting information on social media is that one may not obtain an objective and complete vision of the events and of being exposed to misleading news because they’re not well contextualized or even to fake news, that is completely groundless news. As a result, public opinion is increasingly polarized on opposing positions that are irreconcilable with the effect of making our societies more fragmented and our democracies more fragile. For this reason, the platform of the “OFFLINE” project, in addition to courses to improve the ability to inform oneself critically through online sources outside of social media, provides  a special section that collects reliable and accredited online sources of information and many quality cultural resources in the languages of the project.  Browse it now from here! For more information visit:

CARE: The Consortium joined the Second Transnational Project Meeting of the CARE project

CARE: The Consortium joined the Second Transnational Project Meeting of the CARE project

On 17th November 2022, the consortium joined the Second Transnational Project Meeting of CARE, a project co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme, which brings together seven partners from four countries (Spain, Italy, Portugal, Belgium). The TPMII was held in Brussels and hosted by IHF asbl. CARE is an international project co-founded by the Erasmus+ Programme, which aims to contribute to behavioural changes in people's preferences, consumption habits and lifestyles, in line with the environmental policies adopted by the European Commission: the circular economy action plan, waste management policies and the present challenge of “making European recovery a Green Deal”.   Moreover, the need for a project like CARE increases at this very moment, when the end of the Covid-19 pandemic is glimpsed. The mission of CARE is to promote responsible consumption through reuse, recycling, choosing locally produced goods, reducing waste and draining of water and energy, as well as raising social and environmental awareness and perceptions of the cultural worth of old and more austere habits. CARE will concentrate on four areas: responsible resource use, responsible food usage, and responsible garment use. During the meeting, the consortium as a whole discussed about the overall project implementation schedule, defining timelines and respective duties. All consortium members discusses about CARE KNOWLEDGE, the virtual community of knowledge and experiences on responsible consumption, EduCARE, a set of awareness-raising and training courses for responsible consumption adapted to the target audience in the four areas to be promoted, and PROMOBIZ that will be a responsible business forum that will function  as a seedbed of ideas, creating a space for the reception of proposals from consumers and people with an entrepreneurial vocation. To know more about CARE: Project website  Facebook page  

Policy Recommendation for Cyber-readiness of EU small and microenterprises: Compiling the final deliverable of the CYBER-MSME project

Policy Recommendation for Cyber-readiness of EU small and microenterprises: Compiling the final deliverable of the CYBER-MSME project

Today, cybersecurity remains a central topic in the international and national agendas, and is gaining importance within the private sector. Large corporations and MSMEs are increasingly becoming aware of the need to equip themselves with the right tools and strategies to prevent and respond effectively to any cyber threat. Based on ENISA’s classification of the “top 15 cyber-threats in Europe”, this report highlights main finings in terms of level of awareness and preparedness of EU MSMEs on cybersecurity and. As expected, while still maintaining its “EU relevance”, the topic of cyber-readiness seems particularly urgent for micro and small medium enterprises established in Southern/Balkan regions and operating in non-ICT dominant sectors. Results suggest that the cyber-lag experienced by the vast majority of EU MSMEs is firstly and foremost and issue of culture and cultural understating. Despite the numerous initiatives implemented at EU level to increase the awareness on the topic, EU SMEs are still failing to comply with the very essentials of cybersecurity. As final Intellectual Output of the project, partners compiled already two different document, one addressed to the community of practice of cyber education, and the other to policy makers and public’s representatives in charge of policy actions for private sectors’ competitiveness, digitalisation and education and training in general. The experience gathered by partners throughout this 2-year period of implementation of the CYBER MSME project, allowed them to consolidate key triggers, guidelines and recommendations to sustain project’s replicability, and most importantly, the benefits that CYBER-like initiatives can bring at EU level In its The EU’s Cybersecurity Strategy for the Digital Decade (2020), the European Commission analyses and reviews the measures implemented at European level and anticipates future developments in the cybersecurity domain. Despite the number of initiatives and a general awareness in the cybersecurity field, Europe has not yet reached a sufficient level of cooperation with national authorities. National authorities do not systematically collect and disseminate data that could help the EU to develop situational awareness. Currently, there is only a limited “mutual operational assistance” among member states: there is no “operational mechanism” among member states, EU institutions, agencies and bodies, capable of guaranteeing an effective protection and response scheme in case of large - scale and cross - border cyber - attacks. The EU is faced with heterogeneous security regulations and several levels of cybersecurity maturity in the Member States: these are obstacles to an effective cross - border collaboration. It is crucial that future regulatory changes are the same in all Member States so that EU enterprises are not subject to different levels of security, the global pandemic of COVID-19 has shown the importance of collaboration and coordination at global level also in the area of cybersecurity. The increasing awareness of enterprises on possible cyber threats has led cyber criminals to adapt their attack’s schemes. As described in the report “Emerging trends” by ENISA (2020), cybercriminals are taking advantage of the pandemic: they are increasingly well-prepared and use more sophisticated tools. This result, which is a sign of a general response of the enterprises to cyber threats, also shows the need to constantly implement cybersecurity procedures and tools, adapting IT systems to new conditions. The future workforce needs to possess both knowledge, skills and life-learning mindset to quickly adapt to market needs and technological advances. Elements that can train the future workforce in digital skills (i.e. logical thinking, critical analysis, coding and algorithms) require an adaptation of the current educational system For a full overview of this project’s deliverable, and all other resources made available by partners, please consult:

Scalability and Multiplier Effect of the CREATE2Evaluate project: Enhancing evaluation and valorisation practices of AE policies at regional and local level

Scalability and Multiplier Effect of the CREATE2Evaluate project: Enhancing evaluation and valorisation practices of AE policies at regional and local level

CREATE2Evaluate is a follow-up of the previous CREATE project which intends to reinforce its aims and goals enhancing the performance and efficiency of Adult Education (AE) by intervening at systemic level at the nexus between overarching EU Policy (EU2020) and implementation on the ground, i.e., regions tasked with policy formulation and implementation of education programmes.   The aim of CREATE2Evaluate project is to identify reliable tools for the evaluation of adult education at various layers of governance. Identifying these tools will advance the formulation of effective adult education policies and programmes.   Now that the project is approaching its formal conclusion, partners are finally consolidating the last two main deliverables foreseen by implementation:   Training Suite for the target groups of policy makers to guide them with step-by-step procedures on the use and implementation of the tools to evaluate policy interventions in the domain of AE. The Training Suite includes user-friendly and flexible training resources for policy makers, among which: Guidelines on the policy evaluation tools to fully describe the functionalities of the tools, their field of application, scale and scope. This is crucial to clarify the real validity of the CREATE 2 Evaluate tools, manage expectations from users of what the evaluation tools and deliver and under which circumstances, and also depending on the scenarios Scenario setting and profiling tools: in this instance, the training Suite will include guidelines on the type and extent of data/information/statistics and input requirements for the policy evaluation tools to provide meaningful insight. Users need to be aware of the operational implications and data requirements of the policy evaluation tools Users’ manual: this is a crucial element of the training suite, as it provides hands-on advice on how to implement the evaluation tools in diverse operational settings Introduction guide to the CREATE2Evaluate ToolBox   A Green Paper to advance the debate and stimulate the discussion on policy formulation, implementation and evaluation of AE. The AE Policy Evaluation Green Paper will collect and collate all the findings and results stemming from the implementation   These two resources provide for an operational set of tools that allows for the upscale of the CREATE2Evaluate project results while igniting the policy dialogue and exchange on how to advance the discourse on the importance of adult education as a whole for socio-economic development and integration. Indeed, the project as a whole is devoted to the cohort of policy makers for their adoption of the tools in operational environments, providing capacity building elements.   To know more about the project, the organisations involved and all resources available, please feel free to consult the Open Education Resource Platform of Create2Evaluate:

Long-term sustainability and exploitation resources of the CYBER-MSME project: A validation of practices and recommendations from partners’ experience

Long-term sustainability and exploitation resources of the CYBER-MSME project: A validation of practices and recommendations from partners’ experience

Cybercrime is the fastest-growing form of criminal activity and appears to be targeting a specific segment of our economies. According to the latest figures, the economic impact of cybercrime rose fivefold between 2013 and 2017, and microenterprises and SMEs (MSMEs) – the backbone of the EU economy – are disproportionally impacted by the phenomenon. Despite MSMEs being the most vulnerable group to the growing threat posed by cyberattacks, MSMEs are very seldom aware of the risks they face, let alone be prepared for them. In 2019, an industry report estimated that 66% of senior decision-makers in small businesses believe they are unlikely to be a target of online criminals (Keeper), whereas UNIPOL calculated that 14% of MSMEs are prepared to tackle cyber threats (2018). Throughout 2021, CYBER MSME’ partners carried out a detailed and very comprehensive report which highlighted: State of MSMEs’ cyber-threats preparedness and awareness Identification of best practices as regards MSMEs support in the area of cybersecurity Further recommendations in the domain of innovation and competitiveness for private sector   The wealth of knowledge gathered by participating organisations on MSMEs cyber resilience has been finally consolidated in an official document “Guidelines implementation of project results” that is intended to provide for STKHs and group of interests key coordinates to implement within their ecosystem of practice Cyber MSME-inspired initiatives – or transfer as a whole into their initiatives the resources made available by partners. From a more metaphorical perspective, the document can be intended as the digital legacy of the project: a storytelling on how to carry out capacity building programmes aimed at strengthening the IT and cyber readiness of small and micro-enterprises. The vast majority of these inputs stems from the deployment of the CYBER-MSME curricula in pilot version implemented by partners as formal activity of Intellectual Output 3 so as to validate the into-practice operationalisation, and the pedagogical reliability, of the training material. The aforementioned document – available for free, in open access format and in multilanguage version via the official Open Education Resource Platform of the project – is very concise and comprehensive, so as to ease and maximise as much as possible its readability from users: The first section introduces readers to the general scale and scope of the project, and details specific learning outcomes developed by partners, and tested with targets The second-deep dives into the cyber security professional’s profile as envisioned by partners – informed by the needs-assessment carried out at transnational level in preparation of the curricula The third highlights content, structure and methodology of the pilot programme and the functionalities of the OER platform as a support tool to the testing phase Finally, a robust set of key recommendations and takeaways compiled by trainers and teachers, that readers and interested STKHs can leverage on to fine-tune and tailor their deployment strategy All in all, this set of guidelines is intended to upscale the impact of CYBER-MSME even beyond the formal life cycle of the project, easing the replicability and portability of its deliverables, and most importantly, their functionalities and into-practice implementation. CYBER MSM contributed to give continuity to an important stream of initiatives co-financed by the E+ Programme aimed at strengthening the digital and cyber literacy of EU private sector. For more information about the project, please consult:

Results from a transnational need analysis for aviation aerospace mechatronics technician

Results from a transnational need analysis for aviation aerospace mechatronics technician

AMTech, the pioneering international project aimed at reshaping vocational education in aviation, proudly announces the publication of a comprehensive transnational need analysis focusing on skills and competences crucial for success in the drone sector. This analysis, a significant milestone for the AMTech initiative, sheds light on the specific requirements necessary for individuals to compete, operate, and secure employment in the rapidly evolving drone industry. The need analysis delves into the current gaps in existing professions related to aviation, such as aircraft mechanics and flight equipment engineers, highlighting the critical need for mechatronics and informatics skills. Especially impacting SMEs within the aviation industry, including drone manufacturers, the analysis provides valuable insights into the challenges faced by these enterprises in finding employees with the right skill set and competences. AMTech’s commitment to bridging the skills gap in the drone sector is evident in this detailed transnational need analysis, offering a strategic roadmap for aligning vocational education and training with the dynamic demands of the labor market. Results from the analysis have shown that the industry of unmanned aircraft (aka drones) is expected to represent a powerhouse for the employability, innovation and development of the EU aeronautics industry. Industrial application of drones benefits a wide cohort of sectors (agriculture, energy, public safety, e-commerce, mobility, etc), with significant spill-over effects for entrepreneurs operating within these markets. Despite the great technology advancements observed in the timeframe of the past ten years, further R&D efforts are needed to enhance the value that the drone industry can generate for end users. Most of potential industrial applications are still in an early stage of experimentation, with public opinion still divided on concerns for privacy and safety. The work of regulators is aimed at easing the social acceptance of this new phenomenon, without posing excessive burden to the innovation paths traced by the many new organisations operating in the unmanned aircraft sector. Competitive outlooks for businesses in the drone industry are bright and very promising, but on the other hand the sector might risk of reaming devoid of professional profiles that allow for the great technological effectiveness of this new state of art technology. The analysis carried out in this report is aimed at assessing in a concise and comprehensive format the training needs informing the design, structure and following learning outcomes of the curriculum for aerospace mechatronics technicians. The references extrapolated from literature are somehow indicative of what this curriculum should look like at VET level, what could be the knowledge and skills detained by such professional profile, etc. but most of the effort was invested into interpreting and decoding data so as to shape an archetype that is still in the making. Data and resources collected allowed us to systemize an ideal curricula framework for drone maintenance-related operations that could fit indeed the professional profile seek by this project, and the needs of training and education providers. To access the full report an other resources generated by AMTech’s partners, please visit:

Map Export Dynamics, Challenges & Opportunities for female-run businesses Transnational Results and Findings from the E4F Project

Map Export Dynamics, Challenges & Opportunities for female-run businesses Transnational Results and Findings from the E4F Project

SMEs are the economic core of Europe and social buffer generating jobs. Internationalisation and Export outside of Europe represent a great opportunity, creating million jobs. However, the socio-economic potential of EU SMEs is underexploited: only 18% of European SMEs export to extra-EU markets and are truly international. Official papers from the European Commission (EU/UN-INTRACEN report 2019 “From EU to the World: Understanding Challenges for EU Businesswomen”) confirmed that the extra-EU internationalisation process is exacerbated for female enterprises. Interviews with female entrepreneurs showed that this target group needed the following trends: grow and bring their businesses within international markets training sessions in digital aspects, and internationalisation legal policies strengthen their marketing and communication strategies boost their global competitiveness through training session in digital format E4F project aims at empowering women-led businesses, creating opportunities to increase their productivity, expanding the geographical markets in which they operate. E4F aims to implement the following points: Boost the global competitiveness of EU female SMEs in Fashion, Food, Handicraft sectors by using innovative, operational, and practical trainings. Develop an open and multilingual platform called OER, that will host innovative training. Identify needs and challenges of female small businesses Correct the gender gap to establish conditions that allow internationalisation of female small businesses The training material of the project will be developed on the basis of the results and findings of the desk research carried by partners in the last nine months. Partners analysed quantitative indicators on the phenomenon of internationalisation of EU female-led SMEs, Qualitative indicators on internationalisation in their country (skills-gap and need assessments), opportunities and challenges women entrepreneurs may find. The main objective of the research was identifying new competitiveness opportunities for female entrepreneurs in fashion, food and handicraft industries by leveraging on the global demand of these goods in relation to the gender perspective. This kind of analysis considered the main worldwide trends highlighting real and concrete favourable circumstances that greatly enhance female entrepreneurship empowerment.   To find more about the project visit

SOS CREATIVITY European Consortium gathers face-to-face in Malaga to celebrate the successful outcomes of this senior digital inclusion 2-year project

SOS CREATIVITY European Consortium gathers face-to-face in Malaga to celebrate the successful outcomes of this senior digital inclusion 2-year project

Since March 2021, S.O.S. Creativity Erasmus+ project supports the development of IT key competences for adults to let them exploit cultural offers and artistic contents available online, while boosting their level of consciousness toward the potentialities and the risks of the net such as phishing, fraud, fake news, invasion of privacy, defamation etc. To this end, a consortium of 8 partners from Spain, France, North of Macedonia, Poland and Italy has run a high-quality mapping of Cultural and Creative Resources and Digital Skills to perfectly tailor the training modules to the users’ prospective. In addition to this, a never seen SOS Self-Assessment Tool has been created to enhance ICT and Cultural literacy in seniors, opening to them a wonderful world of arts and creativity resources that could cheer their lives up. All the resources, available in the multilanguage mobile friendly OER Platform, also address the needs of a variety of adult education professionals working in international settings to foster seniors’ social participation. Innovation in the project relies on the fact that SOS CREATIVITY is one of the few European projects that provides practical ICT solutions for seniors to spend actively their free time online. A comprehensive and challenging dissemination program has been undertaken and the training units have been piloted in all project’s countries through a wide variety of media, with online and face-to-face seminars, international Multiplier Event (still ongoing) with adult learners and stakeholders, e-mail campaigns to UE Member of Parliament, social media posts, conferences etc. The impact and feedback provided at the end of the meeting are highly-motivating with the potential to transform and even revolutionize the way seniors are trained at all levels. There is clear opportunity for all who work in the adult education to be excited by what the project has produced, and exploit the materials created to enhance their digital skills and their ability to advance in the cybersecurity.  

The CREATE2 Evaluate ToolBox: A multidimensional and cross-disciplinary resource for local AE policy making

The CREATE2 Evaluate ToolBox: A multidimensional and cross-disciplinary resource for local AE policy making

Mapping the Impact, Validation and Evaluation of Adult Education Policies has identified that EU wide AE Evaluation is highly fragmented and lacks common definitions and standards. This makes it very difficult for policy makers to control and assess the effectiveness of current AE policies. Plain coherent and straightforward policy development is needed. Any AE evaluation framework should ensure that cross organisational policy coherence occurs in vertical and horizontal terms. Vertical coherence requires that the different levels of government – national, regional, and local – follow common policy objectives and align systems of funding, accreditation and quality assurance. Horizontal coherence implies that there is understanding and coordination across policy areas within national or regional or local government. The challenge for the wider adult learning community is to articulate targets and indicators for adult learning that capture the humanistic conceptions and practices of nonformal adult learning. The articulation of such a metric would ensure that this domain of adult learning can no longer be considered as ‘invisible’ by the state. With reference to findings and evidences provided by partners, the CREATE 2 Evaluate ToolBox is conceived to ensure that local and regional policy makers from across Europe will be able to use the policy tools to better plan, design, implement and monitor Adult Education policies with a clear vision of sustainability of public funding in AE. The CREATE and CREATE 2 EvaluateToolBox comprises a series of practical tools for policy makers to ensure evidence-based policy making and better align AE policies and programmes with local socio-economic development. Resources elaborated and published by partners are available in free, open and multilanguage version so as to ease and sustain the visibility and dissemination of training and education opportunities stemming from the model. The ToolBox is structured in six different areas, each area includes specific resources and references that sustain local policy makers in better strategizing the alignment, consistent and coherence of local lifelong learning plans to EU long-term objectives and horizons. Consistency of the objectives and outcomes Checklist to assess consistency of the objectives and outcomes of the AE trainings and programmes with the overarching strategies and agendas adopted by the EU   Programme creation at the policy/public administration level Checklist for providers: Evaluation of provider inclusion in Adult Education Policy Making Evaluation of Creativity in Adult Education Policy Making Matrix Focus Group Questions Survey for providers Survey for Public Administration Staff   Inclusivity of AE policies and availability of AE programmes Checklist to assess: Inclusivity of AE policies and availability of AE programmes in geographically excluded areas Dimensions of Diversity in Adult Learning   AE trainings and programmes delivery Individual Interview with participant: Methods, equipment and personnel in Adult Education and adjustment to the target group.   Value added stemming from the participation in AE Measuring the Wider Benefits of Adult Learning – Focus Group Guidelines for Learners and Training Providers Value added stemming from the participation in AE.   Continuity of programme evaluation and use of its results to improve AE policies Valorisation and Follow-Up to Evaluation. Some Success Factors Critical Success Factors: A Case Study Tips for policy makers seeking stakeholder engagement     All resources developed by the CREATE2Evaluate partnership are available via the official OPEN EDUCATION RESOURCE Platform of the project:

Monitor and evaluate the impact and effectiveness of AE policies and interventions: Findings from the transnational analysis conducted by CREATE2’s partners

Monitor and evaluate the impact and effectiveness of AE policies and interventions: Findings from the transnational analysis conducted by CREATE2’s partners

Evaluation and Valorisation are crucial steps in creating viable strategies with long-term benefits. Yet many AE policies on the local and regional levels are not systematically evaluated. This is partly due to policy makers lacking the appropriate tools. CREATE2Evaluate addresses this gap by designing a set of useful tools and templates to help AE policy makers and agents active in the AE policy processes evaluate existing strategies, draw actionable conclusions and design better strategies in the future.   The rationale for our project CREATE2Evaluate stems from the thorough investigation of the state of the art and the needs analysis that builds a multi-pronged approach:   robust investigation of the field through the analysis of relevant public policy documents at both national and EU levels that confirm how at present there are no effective means and tools to monitor and assess AE policies and programmes; and where those exist, they are used in a very fragmented way.   direct experience of the partners: the proposal brings together AE providers (both formal and non-formal, both public and private), umbrella AE organisations, AE practitioners from research & academia, the third sector and the public sector (represented by local authorities tasked with policy formulation and monitoring & evaluation).   the results of another Erasmus+ Project KA2 funded in Germany that was recently (2019) and successfully completed (final evaluation score from the National Agency of 85), the CREATE Project that developed tools for appropriate policy formulation in the domain of AE – in the 24 months of implementation and constant involvement of local policy makers, the clear need for monitoring and evaluation tools and mechanisms emerged.   During the first half of 2021, the CREATE2 Consortium finalised a very detailed cross-dimensional and transnational mapping activity aimed at identifying current methodologies, frameworks and/or models applied at local level for policy evaluation.   The final report is available for free by consulting the section of the CREATE2 Open Educational Resource Platform of the project.   Results, takeaways and findings suggested that the primary focus of current evaluation policy is quantitative outputs and student specific learning outcomes. Within any quantitative outcome evaluation partners identified a range of gaps and inconsistencies in target group statistical data, and in private and non-formal evaluation provision. Whilst significant qualitative evaluation is conducted in adult education centres according to project partners, the valuable data emerging remains inaccessible due to lack of transparent systematic overarching analysis and learner protection requirements. This makes it particularly difficult for policy makers to assess the effectiveness of their adult education policies.

SEAH 8th Transnational Meeting on July 2022

SEAH 8th Transnational Meeting on July 2022

On the 8th of July 2022, the SEAH project partners gathered online for the 8th working project meeting. The meeting, originally planned face-to-face- was related to the final units of IO3, the testing and finalisation of learning objects, the forthcoming multiplier event and the deadlines of the project final stages. After the official greetings and some internal management, administration and communication points, the coordinator team presented the reports of the testing phase for the first 4 units of each language and of the video presentations with also an overview of the fifth unit, recently available in the OER platform. It followed a very detailed presentation of the learning platform (called learning corner), comprehensive of each type of exercise presented in the learning units by Internet Web Solutions, the IT partner of the project. Partners shared a deep emotional moment as the final results for international students in the field of Architecture and Construction. The meeting followed with a detailed report of the first SEAH project Multiplier Event. Indeed on 5th July, the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM) hosted the Multiplier Event and Dra. Paloma Úbeda Mansilla from the Spanish Board Team of UPM told that it was a successful moment to disseminate the work of this innovative European project and to reflect on the Spanish specific language of architecture and construction with International students. The last Multiplier Event will be organized by the UdA- team at the Language Department at the University of Pescara and it is scheduled on the 29th September 2022 (11:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m.) for both in-person and online participants.

A digital platform dedicated to female entrepreneurship in the French West Indies and Guyana

A digital platform dedicated to female entrepreneurship in the French West Indies and Guyana

he women entrepreneurs of the French West Indies will soon have a digital platform. They will be able to collaborate with their counterparts in Belgium, Italy, Slovenia, Spain and France in order to improve their practices, develop tools or methods, and transnational networks. It is the project of the CCEM (Collective Cooperation Export Martinique) that has been selected by the European program Erasmus +. A digital platform will bring together women entrepreneurs from Europe and the Antilles-Guyana. Funded by the European program Erasmus+, this website specially designed to meet the information needs of women entrepreneurs will be operational in November 2022. Strict regulations The Martinique association (CCEM) has respected the precise timeline set up for an Erasmus+ project. Its president Viviane Chiffrin and her partner Denis-Antoine Hérault of OPEN-It, participated in a call for proposals that included a number of steps. First, they had to develop a project eligible for the European program, and support their idea in front of a commission. These calls for proposals are subject to the legislation governing public procurement.   This project of several thousand euros is taking shape with partners from Belgium, Italy, Spain, Slovenia and France. The digital platform managed from Martinique by the CCEM is expected to be operational in November 2022. In the meantime, the project partners must send an interim report to the Erasmus + agency on the project's progress. Making a place for yourself This platform for women entrepreneurs is integrated into the Erasmus+ program for the period 2021-2027. This project allows the financing of study and professional mobility (internships, continuing education) within Europe and internationally at all ages and for all levels of training. The issue of gender parity is gradually making its way into the business world. All is not completely won. This digital platform project will also connect women who hesitate to start their own business, between self-censorship, feelings of illegitimacy and complicated access to credit.



The Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid (ETSAM) held the Multiplier Event Madrid Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (UPM). SEAH project to promote the teaching of Spanish for architecture and construction for international students. The acronym SEAH comes from Sharing European architectural heritage: Innovative language teaching tools for academic and professional mobility in Architecture and Construction. The event took place to give visibility to the SEAH team at the UPM. On July 5, the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid hosted the Multiplier Event of the SEAH Project, an event to enhance public awareness of the work carried out by this European project and to reflect on Spanish for architecture and construction. The program speakers, composed entirely of women, included two renowned professors in this field, Carmen Espegel and Margarita de Luxán. The event began with the presentation and explanation of the project by Dr. Paloma Úbeda Mansilla, coordinator of the Spanish SEAH team at the UPM, who gave a brief outline of what the management of this project has involved, and explained the work done by her team. This two-year project started in 2020 and was co-funded by the Erasmus+ KA203 Programme. Women in Architecture with a Vision of the Future The introduction was followed by four talks on the topic of the project. The first lecture, given by Carmen Espegel, Professor of Architectural Projects, was entitled: “New architecture in old industrial architecture”. Then, Margarita de Luxán, Professor of Graphic Ideation gave her presentation on “The complex letter C”. The third lecture, “Use of the SEAH Corpus for the teaching of specialized language in architecture and construction”, was given by Valentina Castrignanò, from the Università degli Studi ‘G. d’Annunzio’, Chieti (Italy). Next, Ruth Rodríguez Cuadrado, cultural journalist, presented, “The title of a project: where words add value”. Finally, María Luisa Escribano Ortega, from the Vice-Rectorate for Internationalization, and Dr. Paloma Úbeda Mansilla presented the course outline and the didactic units designed within the framework of this project, through the SEAH project website. About the Project The objective is to create academic and professional language modules for French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish as a foreign language in the field of Architecture and Construction (AC), in order to encourage student mobility and to improve the results of mobility programs. The SEAH project has two parts. The first is the creation of an AC corpus of one million words, in each of the languages mentioned above, for foreign language learners. The second is the didactic development of the corpus with five thematic modules in each language. This project is being carried out and managed by the Università degli Studi ‘G. d’Annunzio’ Chieti-Pescara (Italia), through the Department of Languages, Literatures and Modern Cultures with European partners. Apart from the University in charge, five European universities and a technological partner participated in the project: Université Bordeaux Montaigne (France), Masarykova Univerzita (Czech Republic), Polotsk State University (Belarus), Universidad Politécnica de Madrid (Spain) and Internet Web Solutions (Spain).

Consumer Awareness for Responsibility to Environment: the CARE platform is available online in four languages

Consumer Awareness for Responsibility to Environment: the CARE platform is available online in four languages

The CARE OER platform is now online in four languages at, providing specific info on project aims, activities and results. The Platform will contain all the Project information, deliverables and results. CARE's driving idea is contributing to the health of the planet but also to that of individuals and communities by promoting more austere, traditional and healthy lifestyles. CARE targets people who care about the present and the future, who want to develop responsible behaviour that mitigates the human impact on the planet, and, with their small daily decisions, help make a better world. The very user-friendly Platform has been built by the Spanish partner, IWS (Internet Web Solutions) and will be constantly updated by the partnership as a whole during the project implementation. CARE OER Platform is available in four languages (English, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese) and is composed of multiple sections freely available to all navigators. HOME: the section introduces users to the CARE platform by highlighting the three main results of the Project:  • Knowledge: a virtual community of knowledge and experiences on responsible consumption  • EduCARE: a set of awareness-raising and training courses for responsible consumption  • PROMOBIZ: a responsible business forum that will function as a seedbed of ideas PROJECT: describes the main Project objectives and results. PARTNERS: describes the Partners involved in the CARE Project. ASSOCIATES: to involve as many Associated Partners as possible and spread the word about CARE to end-users, targets, the general public and ultimate beneficiaries. NEWS: to remain always updated with CARE latest developments…   CARE is managed by seven partners from four countries, i.e. Spain, Italy, Portugal, and Belgium, and is co-financed by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Commission.

SEAH 7th Transnational Meeting on March 2022

SEAH 7th Transnational Meeting on March 2022

On the 25th of March 2022, the SEAH project partners from Università degli Studi 'G. d'Annunzio' Chieti, Université Bordeaux Montaigne, Masaryk University, Polotsk State University and the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Internet Web Solutions gathered online for the 7th working project meeting. The agenda previously shared and agreed among the consortium was mainly related to the presentation of the learning platform and to the digital display of the first language didactic unit, designed step by step by colleagues in Italian, French, Spanish, German and Russian. After the greeting of the coordinator and some internal management, administration and communication points, Internet Web Solutions, the IT partners from Spain responsible of the development of the OER SEAH platform: provided a report on the total visits since the website opening thanks to an effective SEO strategy and functional dissemination activities. It followed a very detailed presentation of the learning platform (called learning corner), comprehensive of each type of exercise presented in the learning units. Partners were amazed by the digital presentation of the units they authored tailored to international students in the field of Architecture and Construction. A new template for the fifth IO3 units was submitted to all the partners and presented by Paloma from Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. It was based on a short presentation (an elevator pitch) to be done by the students, based on a spidergram that will be implemented in the platform soon. It will be followed by listening and writing exercises, related to the intended pitch. Mariapia from Ud’A informed the partners also about an upcoming special issues of a linguistics journal «RILA [RASSEGNA ITALIANA DI LINGUISTICA APPLICATA]», dedicated to SEAH. Every team is invited to submit abstract proposals and also to organise Multiplier Events aimed at illustrating methodology, Intellectual Outputs and general objectives of the SEAH-Projects to scholars, incoming and outgoing students in the fields of Corpus Linguistics, Language Teaching, Architecture and Construction, professionals both in the fields of Architecture and Construction, and in that of specialized translation and tourism.

On November 16th 2021 SEAH participants met online for a project meeting

On November 16th 2021 SEAH participants met online for a project meeting

On 16 November 2021 SEAH project, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme (Action KA203) written and managed by the Department of Modern Languages, Literatures and Cultures with 5 European partners from Italy, Spain, France, Czech Republic and Belarus joined a online project meeting, due to Covid-19 travel restrictions. The core of the meeting was mainly related to the creation of teaching units planned under the Intellectual Output 3. Each module will consist of 5 Units uploaded in and tested by Erasmus students. During the meeting, starting from a real unit created in Italian, coordinators introduced all the planned modules’ structure, with related exercises, table of Contents, Learning Objectives, external resources, and so on. A long, participated, and fruitful dialogue took place among all the partners, about how to bring new proposals and integrations, always following the agreed template. SEAH aims at creating academic-professional language modules for French, German, Italian, Russian and Spanish as a foreign language in the field of Architecture and Construction in order to encourage student mobilities and to improve the outcomes of mobility programs. Coordinators presented suggestions for activities to be included in an editable final pdf attached to the teaching module. It will be aimed at the creation of a learner-centered glossary, suggesting many possible uses of the IO1 corpora already developed in the previous step of SEAH project. The Multilingual Open Educational Resources Platform for Architecture and Construction will work as a self-standing repository of language corpora and training contents presenting them in an easy-to-use and effective way so that users can make the most of this tool. It will be responsive and mobile-friendly in order to boost Dissemination strategies and reach the highest number of users.

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