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Consumer awarness for responsibility to enviroment

Responsible consumption on mobility
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Sustainable mobility – responsible consumption – mobility trends – consumer’s attitude



Responsible consumption in mobility behavior means knowing the impact of one's daily behavior on one's own wellbeing, on the collective wellbeing and on the environment, and then learning how to implement responsible and sustainable behavior, how to change one's lifestyle, using the resources available efficiently. The increase in noise pollution in cities, the contamination of the soil and the air with toxic substances and the waste of material and energy resources are driving people towards new behaviors that are increasingly attentive to sustainability and circularity especially in mobility choice. Consumers, especially the younger generations, are paying increasing attention to issues that concern the future of the planet and they are the real engine of sustainability through lifestyle choices, habits and consumer behavior, they have the power to drive the market from the bottom up, and more generally, create a social context that is favorable to actions to safeguard our planet.